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Catalogue目录报告编制说明Preparation of this Report董事长致辞Chairmans Statement关于我们About us管治篇Governance环境篇Environment社会篇Society专题一践行“三个转变”重要指示Topic 1 Implementing the Important Instructions of “Three Transations”专题二坚决打好精准脱贫攻坚战Topic 2 Resolutely Carry Out the Targeted Poverty Alleviation Campaign专题三高质量共建“一带一路”Topic 3 Joint Construction of the “Belt and Road” with High Quality展望Outlook意见反馈Feedback24612244068768697982中国中铁股份有限公司China Railway GRoup limited报告范围本报告为公司第12份社会责任报告,披露中国中铁股份有限公司及所属子分公司履行经济、公司治理、社会和环境方面责任的信息。典型案例均来自所属企业。报告时间跨度为2019年1月1日至12月31日,适当关注了2019年以前公司履行社会责任的情况。发布周期年度报告。参考依据 联合国全球契约颁布的“十大原则” 全球报告倡议组织可持续发展报告标准 中国国家标准GB/T36000-2015社会责任指南 GB/T36001-2015社会责任报告编写指南 GB/T36002-2015社会责任绩效分类指引 国务院国资委关于中央企业履行社会责任的指导意见 上海证券交易所上市公司环境信息披露指引 香港联合交易所环境、社会及管治报告指引Reporting scope This is CREC’s 12th social responsibility report for disclosure of ination on perance of economic, corporate governance, social and environmental responsibilities by China Railway Group Limited and its subsidiaries. All cases are from enterprises under CREC. With the time span of 1st January to 31st December of 2019, this report pays due attention to how the CREC fulfilled its social responsibility before 2019.Reporting frequency yearly report.References The Ten Principles promulgated by the UN Global CompactGRI Global Reporting Initiative StandardsChinese National Standard GB/T 36000-2015 Guidance on Social ResponsibilityGB/T36001-2015 Guidance on Social Responsibility ReportingGB/T36002-2015 Guidance on Social Responsibility Perance ClassificationSASAC of the State Council’s Guiding Opinions on Perance of Social Responsibilities by Central EnterprisesGuidelines on Environmental Ination Disclosure by Companies Listed on the Shanghai Stock ExchangeThe Environmental, Social and Governance Reporting Guide of the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited报告编制说明Preparation of this Report32019 社会责任报告暨ESG(环境、社会及管治)报告 Social reSponSibility and environmental Social reSponSibility report environmental, Social and Governance report in 2019Explanation of the ination The financial ination disclosed in this report is derived from the Company’s financial statements. In case of discrepancy between this report and the Company’s annual report, the latter shall prevail. Other ination is derived from the Company’s internal statistics.Title description To facilitate your reading, China Railway Group Limited is described as “CREC”, “the Company” and “We/us” in this report.Explanation of improvement Based on the feedback from our stakeholders and the hot topics of different ESG areas in China and abroad. and in line with the status of development of the Company, we prepared this report in three chapters, the “governance section”, “environment section” and “society section” to illustrate the Company’s corporate social responsibility perance and major ESG topics.Three special sections were added in this report, i.e., “Implementing the important instructions of ‘three transations’, “Resolutely fighting the battle for targeted poverty alleviation”, and “Joint construction of the ‘Belt and Road’ with high quality”, fully demonstrating that the Company has actively fulfilled its responsibilities as a central enterprise and the role it has played in the sustainable development of China and the construction of community of shared future for mankind.Undertakings in this report The Board of Directors and all directors of the Company ensure that there is no false record, misleading statement or major omission in this report and they will bear individual and joint liabilities for the authenticity, accuracy and integrity of the contents.数据说明报告披露的财务数据来自公司财务报告,如与公司年度报告有出入,以年度报告为准,其他数据来自公司内部统计。称谓说明为便于您的阅读,中国中铁股份有限公司在本报告中以“中国中铁”“公司”“我们”等方式进行表述。改进说明本报告根据利益相关方的反馈和当前国内外ESG领域热点议题,根据公司发展实际,分“管治篇”“环境篇”“社会篇”对公司履行企业社会责任及ESG各主要议题的绩效进行汇报。本报告增设了践行“三个转变”重要指示、坚决打好精准脱贫攻坚战、高质量共建“一带一路”3个专题,充分展示公司积极担当央企责任,在国家可持续发展和构建人类命运共同体中发挥的作用。报告承诺本公司董事会及全体董事保证本报告内容不存在任何虚假记载、误导性陈述或重大遗漏,并对其内容的真实性、准确性和完整性承担个别及连带责任。4中国中铁股份有限公司China Railway GRoup limited2019年是中华人民共和国成立70周年,也是中国中铁发展史上极不平凡的一年。这一年,我们全面践行习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想,牢记习总书记对中国中铁雄安新区建设者的殷殷期望,传承一代代中铁人对祖国和人民的担当和忠诚,不忘初心、牢记使命,全面实现了公司各项奋斗目标。这一年,我们抢抓市场机遇、乘势而上,主要经济指标再创历史新高。这一年,我们深入开展项目管理实验室活动,加速推进三级工程公司建设,企业治理效能大大提高。这一年,我们重组整合内部资源,不断优化经营布局和产业布局,企业改革持续深入。这一年,我们优质高效建设京张高铁、浩吉铁路、平潭跨海大桥、大柱山隧道等一大批重难点工程,企业品牌信誉不断提升。这一年,我们参与“一带一路”建设,积极推进雅万高铁、中老铁路、大马城等项目建设,公司国际化发展不断加快。这一年,我们持续做好定点扶贫开发及援疆援藏援青工作,坚决打赢精准脱贫攻坚战,扶贫帮困2019, as the 70th anniversary for the founding of the People’s Republic of China, is also an extremely unusual year in the history of CREC. In this year, we fully practiced Xi Jinping’s Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, bore in mind general secretary Xi’s ardent expectations towards all CREC participants in the construction of the Xiong’an New Area, and inherited the commitment and loyalty of China Railway’s staff from generation to generation towards our motherland and people by remaining truth to our original aspiration and bearing in mind our missions, achieving all goals of the Company. In this year, we seized market opportunities and forged ahead, with major economic indicators reaching new record high. In this year, we further carried out laboratory activities for project management and accelerated promotion of construction by grade 3 project companies, with improving efficiency of corporate governance. In this year, we reorganized integration of internal resources and kept optimizing business layout and industrial layout, furthering res of the enterprises. In this year, we constructed with high quality and efficiency a great number of major difficult projects including the Jingzhang High-Speed Rail 京张高铁, the Haoji Railway 浩吉铁路, the Pingtan Cross-sea Bridge 平潭跨海大桥 and the Dazhushan Tunnel 大柱山隧道, thus enhancing the brand reputation of the enterprises. In this year, we participated in the “Belt and Road” construction and actively promoted the construction of projects including the Jakarta-Bandung High-Speed Rail 雅万高铁, the China-Laos Railway 中老铁路 and Bandar Malaysia 大马城, hence accelerating the Company’s international development. In this year, we continued to per targeted 董事长致辞Chairman’s Statement52019 社会责任报告暨ESG(环境、社会及管治)报告 Social reSponSibility and environmental Social reSponSibility report environmental, Social and Governance report in 2019poverty alleviation while aiding Xinjiang, Tibet and Qinghai, achieving remarkable results in helping those in poverty and difficulties due to our steadfast resolve to win the tough battle of targeted poverty alleviation. Also in this year, we insisted on development relying on our employees, for our employees and sharing development results with our employees, with increasing sense of happiness and reward of our employees which in turn forged unity as well as co-building and sharing.In January 2019, when general secretary Xi Jinping inspected the Xiong’an New Area, he encouraged staff of CREC who participated in the construction of the Jingxiong Intercity Railway, “Transportation must go first before city construction and economic development. You are making great contribution in acting as pioneers for this ‘millennium plan’ of constructing the Xiong’an New Area.” This has fully reflected our responsibility and commitment for building the road towards national rejuvenation, and fully demonstrated our pioneering spirit of fearless of difficulties and restless self-improvement.In 2019, CREC ranked 55th in the World’s top 500 enterprises and 12th in top 500 Chinese enterprises. The Company won 4 prizes for National Progress in Science and Technology, 1 prize for National Technical Invention Award, 10 Luban Prizes for China and 57 prizes for National Quality Projects Award.In 2020, CREC will continue to faithfully fulfill its corporate missions, making new and greater contributions in the realization of building a comprehensively prosperous society in all aspects and the construction of community of shared future for mankindChairman of the Board Zhang ZongyanMarch 2020成效显著。这一年,我们坚持发展依靠职工、发展为了职工、发展成果让职工共享,员工幸福感和获得感不断提升,形成了同心同向、共建共享的良好局面。2019年1月,习近平总书记考察雄安新区时,勉励中国中铁京雄城际建设者“城市建设、经济发展,交通要先行,你们正在为雄安新区建设这个‘千年大计’做着开路先锋的工作,功不可没。”这充分体现了我们为民族复兴筑路的责任和担当,充分展现了我们不畏艰难、自强不息的开路先锋气概。2019年,中国中铁排名世界企业500强第55位,中国企业500强第12位。公司获得国家科技进步奖4项、国家技术发明奖1项、建筑工程鲁班奖10项,国家优质工程奖57项。2020年,中国中铁将一如既往地忠实履行企业使命,在全面建成小康社会和构建人类命运共同体的实践中作出新的更大贡献董事长张宗言2020年3月6中国中铁股份有限公司China Railway GRoup limited公司简介Company profile中国中铁拥有120多年的历史渊源。以1894年山海关机器厂的成立为标志,中国中铁成为中国民族工业的先行者和铁路建设的开拓者。1909年参与建成了京张铁路,1912年建成了京奉铁路,开启了中国铁路建设事业的先河。中国中铁于2007年分别在上海、香港两地上市。目前已发展成为集勘察设计、施工安装、工业制造、房地产开发及其他业务于一体的特大型企业集团,全球最大的建筑工程承包商之一。公司总资产10,561.9亿元,净资产2,454.7亿元。公司经营范围覆盖到基础设施建设的各个领域,工程项目遍布中国除台湾省以外的各省市自治区以及全球90多个国家和地区,科技水平在诸多领域达到世界先进水平。CREC has over 120 years of historical origin. With the establishment of the Shanhaiguan Machinery Plant in 1894 as a milestone, CREC has since become the forerunner of national industry and the pioneer of railway construction in China. We participated in and completed construction of the Jingzhang Railway in 1909, and completed construction of the Beijing-Harbin Railway in 1912, setting the precedent for China’s railway construction.CREC went listing respectively in Shanghai and Hong Kong in 2007. Currently it has developed into an extremely large enterprise group with survey and design, construction and installation, industrial manufacturing, real estate development and other business. It is one of the largest construction contractors in the world with total assets of RMB1,056.19 billion and net assets of RMB245.47 billion.CREC’s business scope covers all infrastructure construction fields, with projects spreading all over China’s provinces and autonomous regions except for Taiwan and more than 80 countries and regions in the world. The technological level in many areas has reached the world’s advanced level.关于我们About Us72019 社会责任报告暨ESG(环境、社会及管治)报告 Social reSponSibility and environmental Social reSponSibility report environmental, Social and Governance report in 2019企业价值观Corporate values企业使命奉献精品 改善民生CoRPoRATE MISSIonDedication to Excellent Products for Better People’s Livelihood企业宗旨创新创效 优质发展CoRPoRATE TEnETInnovation and Efficiency for High Quality Development核心价值观诚信敬业 共建共享CoRE VALUEHonesty and Professionalism, Co-building and Sharing企业精神勇于跨越 追求卓越CoRPoRATE SPIRITBrave to overcome Difficulties and Pursuit for Excellence企业愿景国内领先 世界一流CoRPoRATE VISIonLeading in China and First-class in the World公司价值观Company values01020304050102 0403 058中国中铁股份有限公司China Railway GRoup limited社会评价Assessment by the society连续14年进入财富“世界500强”排名,列第55位;Being named in “Fortune” for 14 consecutive years, ranked no.55 among Global 500 companies;“中国企业500强” 排名,列第12位;Ranked no.12 among top 500 Chinese enterprises;工程新闻记录(EnR)“全球250家最大承包商”排名,列第2位;Ranked no.2 among EnR’s Largest Global Contractors;连续6年被国务院国资委评定为业绩考核A类企业;Accredited class A enterprises for perance appraisal by the SASAC of the State Council for six consecutive years;首次荣获美国机构投资者评选的2019年度亚洲区“最佳企业管理团队”五大奖项;Won 5 prices in 2019 Asian “Best Corporate Management Team” selected by “Institutional Investors” of the United States;新财富最佳第二届新财富最佳IR港股公司;Won the Best IR Hong Kong Stock Company by new Fortune for the second year;天马奖中国主板上市公司投资者关系最佳董事会;Won the Tianma Award - the “Best Board of Directors of China Main Board Listed Company for Investor Relation”;金紫荆“新中国成立70周年卓越贡献企业”奖;Golden Bauhinia “outstanding Contribution Enterprise for the 70th Anniversary of the Founding of new China” Award;金圆桌“最佳董事会”;Golden Round Table - the “Best Board of Directors” by Directors “港股综合实力100强、营业额10强”。Top 100 Hong Kong stocks 1 non-cutive director, held by Ma Zonglin, a full-time external director of the central enterprises; and 4 independent non-cutive directors, namely Guo Peizhang, Wen Baoman, Zheng Qingzhi and Chung Shui Ming. There are 5 special committees of strategy, audit and risk management, remuneration and assessment, nomination as well as safety, health and environment under the Board of Directors, among which the majority of members of the nomination committee and the safety, health and environment committee are external directors, and all the members of the audit and risk management committee and the remuneration and assessment committee are external directors.The Supervisory Committee is the Company’s supervisory body, and in a responsible manner to shareholders, carefully monitors the Company’s finances and the legal compliance of the Company’s directors and senior management in pering their duties. As of the end of the reporting period, the Company’s Supervisory Committee is composed of 5 supervisors, including two shareholder representative supervisors, namely Zhang Huijia, Chairman of the Supervisory Committee, Chen Wenxin, Supervisor, and 3 employees’ representative supervisors, including Liu Jianyuan, Yuan Baoyin, and Fan Jinghua.The Management is the Company’s cutive body, which organizes the daily work of production and operation, cutes board resolutions and rcises decision-making powers authorized by the Board of Directors, and regularly reports the production and operation to the Board of Directors and feedbacks the implementation of resolutions. As of the end of the reporting period, the Company’s Management consists of 9 members, including 1 president, 5 vice presidents, 1 CFO, 1 chief engineer, 1 chief economic manager, and 1 general counsel concurrently serving as the Company’s vice president.公司治理Corporate Governance治理架构Governance structure公司董事会是公司的决策机构,对股东大会负责。截至报告期末,公司董事会由8名董事组成,其中执行董事3名,分别为董事长、执行董事、党委书记张宗言,执行董事、总裁、党委副书记陈云,执行董事、党委常委章献;非执行董事1名,由中央企业专职外部董事马宗林担任;独立非执行董事4名,分别为郭培章、闻宝满、郑清智、钟瑞明。董事会下设战略、审计与风险管理、薪酬与考核、提名、安全健康环保五个专门委员会,其中提名委员会和安全健康环保委员会委员外部董事占多数、审计与风险管理委员会和薪酬与考核委员会委员全部由外部董事担任。公司监事会是公司的监督机构,本着对股东负责的态度,认真对公司财务和公司董事、高级管理人员履行职责的合法合规性等进行监督。截至报告期末,公司监事会由5名监事组成,其中股东代表监事两名,分别为监事会主席张回家、监事陈文鑫,职工代表监事三名,分别为刘建媛,苑宝印,范经华。公司经理层是公司的执行机构,组织生产经营日常工作,执行董事会决议和行使董事会授权事项决策权,定期向董事会报告生产经营情况、反馈决议执行情况。截至报告期末,公司经理层由9人组成,其中总裁1人、副总裁5人、财务总监1人、总工程师1人,总经济师1人、总法律顾问1人(兼任公司副总裁)。152019 社会责任报告暨ESG(环境、社会及管治)报告 Social reSponSibility and environmental Social reSponSibility report environmental, Social and Governance report in 2019报告期内,为适应中国中铁市场化法治化债转股发行股份购买资产之标的资产过户完成后变更股本结构和注册资本的需要,以及公司法第四次修正和中国证监会上市公司治理准则上市公司章程指引等监管规则修订的需要,公司对章程进行了相应修订。为进一步规范监事会的议事方式和决策程序,促使监事会科学履职、合规运作,根据监管环境的变化和公司实际,对公司监事会议事规则进行了修订完善。公司始终注重实现董事会成员多元化,以提升董事会决策效率和企业管治水平。根据沪港两地上市规则和监管规定,公司制定了董事会成员多元化政策,并遵照执行。公司董事会现任8名董事,其中3名执行董事具有丰富的建筑行业从业及管理经验,5名外部董事分别在电力行业、有色金属行业、银行金融业等领域有着丰富的从业及管理经验,董事会成员的设置与组成符合多元化政策要求,也满足企业发展需要。在董事会成员多元化背景下,公司董事会积极构建民主议事氛围,严格落实议案票决制,充分发挥董事会成员结构多元化的优势,保障每位董事能够积极利用各自丰富的专业知识和管理经验参与公司治理,并对重大事项独立发表意见、进行决策,使董事会决策能够更加全面的关注公司发展,使公司能够更加客观的制定战略、研究问题、防控风险,为提高公司治理水平,提高董事会决策科学性和有效性,维护公司整体利益和全体股东的合法权益,特别是保护中小股东利益发挥了重要作用。2019年中期业绩推介会2019 Interim Results Presentation2019年第一次临时股东大会2019 First Extraordinary General MeetingDuri

