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1 中国可再生能源发展报告 2019 (摘要) 2019年是新中国成立70周年,70年栉风沐雨、砥砺奋进,中国可再生能源事业成 就辉煌。2019年是习近平总书记提出“四个革命、一个合作”能源安全新战略五周年。 五年来,中国能源的发展,坚决贯彻落实习近平总书记重要指示批示精神和党中央、国务 院各项决策部署,积极构建“清洁低碳、安全高效”的现代能源体系;深化能源供给侧结 构性改革,推动能源领域“量”的合理增长和“质”的稳步提升;有序推进可再生能源对 传统能源的增量替代和存量替代,优化能源结构,促进节能减排,助力污染防治;积极推 进可再生能源精准脱贫,为决胜全面建成小康社会作出积极贡献。 水电水利规划设计总院自2016年起每年推出中国可再生能源发展年度报告。中国 可再生能源发展报告 2019立足于当前能源发展改革的新形势、新要求,对 2019 年中国 可再生能源发展状况进行全面梳理、综合归纳与系统分析,凝聚焦点、突出重点、把握热点。 报告内容涵盖常规水电、抽水蓄能、风力发电、太阳能发电、生物质能、地热能等主要可 再生能源领域,并对可再生能源国际合作进行了概述。 一、2019年中国可再生能源发展综述 2019年,中国可再生能源继续保持高速发展态势。截至2019年年底,中国可再生 能源发电装机容量79488万kW,同比增长8.7,其中水电装机容量35640万kW(含 抽水蓄能3029万kW),风电装机容量21005万kW,太阳能发电装机容量20474万kW(光 伏发电20430万kW,光热发电44万kW),生物质发电装机容量2369万kW。2019年, 中国可再生能源年发电量20430亿kWh,同比增长9.5,其中水电发电量13019亿 .JOEE / 2 kWh,风电发电量 4057 亿 kWh,光伏发电量 2243 亿 kWh,生物质发电量 1111 亿 kWh。 2019年,可再生能源发电新增装机容量在总新增装机容量中占比超过50;随着火 电增速放缓,以及清洁能源消纳问题改善,2019年可再生能源新增发电量占比有较大回升, 在总增量中占到 53.3;可再生能源作为电力增量主体的地位进一步确立。从可再生能源 各个品种来看,2019年水电建设有序推进,光伏和风电持续快速发展,生物质能利用稳 步开展,地热能产业体系显现雏形;行业装备制造水平不断提升,政策支持体系日臻完善。 二、常规水电 中国水力资源技术可开发量6.87亿kW,居世界首位。截至2019年年底,已建常规 水电装机容量 32611 万 kW,在建装机容量约 5400 万 kW。2019 年水电发电量 13019 亿 kWh,占全部电源总发电量的 17.8。目前,规划确定的大型流域水电基地大部分已开 发完成或进入收尾阶段,常规水力资源开发过半,剩余技术可开发资源 3 亿 kW 左右,但 考虑多方面制约因素,可开发规模约1.1亿1.2亿kW,大部分集中在西藏自治区。常 规水电是电力系统重要的基础性电源,不仅提供清洁电量,而且也是重要的容量支撑,并 且随着能源结构转型,未来常规水电在容量支撑方面的功能定位还将进一步提升和加强。 同时,以流域梯级水电为依托的水风光一体化发展有望成为推动能源转型发展的重要路径 之一。 .JOEE / 3 三、抽水蓄能 截至2019年年底,全国已有25个省(自治区、直辖市)开展过系统性的抽水蓄能 电站选点规划工作,部分省份开展了多轮选点规划或选点规划调整工作,根据相关规划 成果,已确定的抽水蓄能规划站点总装机规模约1.2亿kW,目前已建装机规模3029万 kW,在建规模5063万kW。抽水蓄能电站在保障电力系统安全,提供灵活调节容量,支 撑新能源消纳等方面发挥着重要作用,未来抽水蓄能发展需求仍将持续增长,电站功能定 位呈多样化发展。抽水蓄能电站选点规划和前期工作有序开展,项目开发建设稳步推进, 投资开发主体多元化形态初步显现。 四、风力发电 2019年全国风电新增并网装机容量2574万kW,累计并网装机容量21005万kW, 同比增长14;年发电量为4057亿kWh,同比增长10.8,占全部电源总发电量的 5.5。海上风电新增并网装机容量198万kW,同比增长23,累计并网装机容量达到 593万kW。在持续优化风电开发布局、多渠道拓展新能源电力本地消纳、跨省跨区输电 通道建设扩大新能源消纳范围、电力市场化交易扩大新能源电力消纳空间等因素影响下, 2019年全国弃风电量169亿kWh,较2018年减少108亿kWh,弃风率下降至4, 同比下降 3 个百分点;全国风电平均利用小时数 2082h,较 2018 年减少 13h。2019 年风 电产业装备研发和制造技术快速提升,工程施工和勘测设计技术不断进步,海上风电技术 快速发展以及智慧风电机组等新型智能化技术应用不断涌现,技术进步推动风电上网电价 持续下降,竞争性配置有序推进。 五、太阳能发电 2019年全国太阳能发电新增装机容量3031万kW,累计装机容量达20474万kW, 其中光伏发电、光热发电新增装机容量分别为3011万kW、20万kW,累计装机容量 分别为 20430 万 kW、44 万 kW。2019 年全国光伏发电量达 2243 亿 kWh,同比增 长26.3,占全部电源总发电量的3.1。得益于项目布局持续优化、集中式与分布式 .JOEE / 4 发展并举,以及电力市场化交易提升新能源消纳等因素,2019年弃光电量减少至46亿 kWh,平均弃光率下降至2,同比下降1个百分点,全国光伏发电年平均利用小时 数1169h。2019年光伏发电新增总投资规模约1320亿元,较2018年的投资规模下降约 45。2019年全国光伏产业在多晶硅、硅片、电池片、光伏组件等环节实现平稳快速发展, 光伏发电能力和项目运维管理水平明显提升;光热发电国产设备技术逐步提升。技术进步 推动光伏发电成本快速下降,光伏发电将成为未来中国上网电价最低、规模最大的可再生 能源。 六、生物质能 2019年全国生物质发电新增并网装机容量325万kW,累计并网装机容量达2369 万kW,其中农林生物质发电、生活垃圾焚烧发电、沼气发电累计并网装机容量分别为 1080 万 kW、1214 万 kW、75 万 kW。2019 年生物质发电量约 1111 亿 kWh,同比增 长22.6,占全部电源总发电量的1.5。发电年平均利用小时数达5181h,生物质发电 量显著提升,年利用小时数保持较高水平。2019年生物质天然气产气规模大幅增长,生 物质成型燃料供热规模不断扩大,生物质液体燃料示范推广稳步开展,非电利用将成为生 物质能未来发展方向。2019年中国生物质发电总投资规模约508亿元,其中农林生物质 .JOEE / 5 发电投资约 97 亿元,生活垃圾焚烧发电投资约 398 亿元,沼气发电投资约 13 亿元。 七、地热能 截至2019年年底,中国地源热泵供暖(制冷)建筑面积约8.41亿m 2 ,位居世界第一; 北方地区中深层地热供暖面积累计约2.82亿m 2 ,地热发电相继启动,油田地热开发陆续 形成项目突破,温泉热水利用已具规模。2019年地热能开发利用呈现多元化发展,但目 前仍以直接利用为主,中深层地热供暖区域型规模化程度加快,浅层地源热泵应用全方位 推进,部分区域地热发电逐步成为增量电源的重要支撑。总体来看,地热资源勘探技术不 断成熟,中深层地源热泵研发应用活跃,深部地热储层改造增产技术取得突破,地热能行 业标准体系初步建立。 八、国际合作 2019年,中国继续紧扣“一带一路”倡议和“四个革命,一个合作”能源安全新战略, 积极参与和引领全球能源治理,通过政府间高层引领、企业间务实推进,推动可再生能源 国际合作走深走实。2019年,中国继续坚持互利合作的国际合作理念,积极参与二十国 集团(G20)、亚太经济合作组织(APEC)等区域能源治理平台相关活动,推动与东盟、 欧盟、非盟、中东欧、阿盟等国际组织的能源合作,为全球能源治理贡献中国智慧。在双 边合作领域,不断深化与周边国家能源基础设施互联互通,加强能源技术交流和能力建设, 促进能源政策规划和技术标准对接和项目建设。2019年,中国与英国、印度尼西亚、瑞士、 加拿大、芬兰、巴基斯坦、阿联酋、尼泊尔、阿根廷等国家开展了丰富深入的技术交流活动, 项目合作取得显著成绩。2019年,中国仍然保持国际水电项目建设主力军的地位,风电 项目合作继续保持大幅增长,光伏项目合作呈多元化快速增长。 九、发展展望 预计到2020年年底,常规水电装机容量可达到3.35亿kW,抽水蓄能电站总装机规 模达到3200万kW左右,风电和太阳能发电装机容量均在2.4亿kW左右,生物质发电 利用规模累计达2550万kW左右。根据有关规划研究分析预测,“十四五”及其后中长期, .JOEE / 6 可再生能源发展仍将保持中高速增长态势。 发展绿色低碳的可再生能源是实现能源更高质量、更有效率、更加公平、更可持续发 展的必然选择,立足全面建成小康社会和“十三五”规划收官,继续贯彻落实“四个革命、 一个合作”能源安全新战略,为助力能源高质量发展作出更大的贡献 .JOEE / 7 China Renewable Energy Development Report 2019 Summary The year 2019 marked the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China. After 70 years of painstaking efforts and perseverance, China has made tremendous achievements in renewable energy industry. 2019 was also the fifth year since General Secretary Xi Jinping proposed the new energy security strategy entitled “Four Revolutions and One Cooperation”. For the past five years, China’s energy development has resolutely responded to the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important instructions and the decisions and deployments of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, actively building a “clean, low-carbon, secure and efficient” modern energy system; deepening the energy supply-side structural re and promoting reasonable growth in “quantity” and steady improvement in “quality” within the energy sector; advancing the incremental and stock replacement of tradition energy sources by renewable energy in an orderly manner to optimize the energy structure, promote energy conservation and emission reduction and help prevent and reduce pollution; actively driving targeted poverty alleviation by renewable energy to make positive contributions to the success of building a moderately prosperous society in all aspects. China Renewable Energy Engineering Institute CREEI has been launching the report China’s Renewable Energy Development on an annual basis since 2016. Against the backdrop of new situation and requirements of the current energy development and re, China Renewable Energy Development Report 2019 provides a comprehensive review and systematic analysis of the renewable energy development in China for the year 2019 with focused attention and highlighted points. The report covers the major renewable energy subsectors, including conventional hydropower, pumped storage, wind power, solar power, biomass and geothermal energy, and offers an overview of international cooperation on renewable energy. .JOEE / 8 I. Overview of China’s renewable energy development in 2019 Chinas renewable energy continued to maintain rapid development in 2019. As of the end of 2019, the installed capacity of renewable energy in China was 794.88 GW, a year-on-year increase of 8.7. As for the various energy types, hydropower reached 356.4 GW including pumped storage of 30.29 GW in installed capacity, wind power was 210.05 GW, solar power was 204.74 GW 204.3 GW for solar PV and 0.44 GW for solar thermal, and biomass power was 23.69 GW. In 2019, Chinas annual renewable energy generation was 2043.0 TW·h, an year- on-year increase of 9.5. For various energy types, the power generated by hydro stations was 1301.9 TW·h, by wind power was 405.7 TW·h, by solar PV was 224.3 TW·h and by biomass power was 111.1 TW·h. In 2019, the newly installed capacity of renewable energy accounted for more than 50 of the total newly-added capacity. With the slowdown of thermal power growth and the improvement of clean energy consumption, the proportion of renewable’s output added in 2019 had rebounded significantly and accounted for 53.3 of the total generation added. Renewable energy’s position as the mainstay of power increment had been further established. For various renewable energy types in 2019, hydropower construction had been advanced orderly, solar PV and wind power had continued to develop rapidly, biomass energy had made steady progress, and geothermal energy industry was taking shape. In addition, the equipment manufacturing level in RE industry had been constantly promoted, and the policy support system had been steadily improved. II. Conventional hydropower Chinas hydropower resources exploitable is 687 GW, ranking first in the world. By the end of 2019, the installed capacity of established conventional hydropower was 326.11 GW, and the capacity under construction was approximately 54 GW. The hydropower output in 2019 was 1301.9 TW·h, accounting for 17.8 of the total power generated. At present, most of the hydropower bases on the large-scale watershed identified in the plan have finished development or entered into the final stage of construction. More than half of the conventional hydropower resources have been developed, and the remaining exploitable resources were about 300 GW. However, considering various constraints, the exploitable resources was about 110 to 120 GW, most of which were concentrated in the Tibet Autonomous Region. Conventional hydropower is a fundamental power source of the power system, which not only provides clean electricity, but also provides substantial capacity support. With the progress of energy transition, conventional hydropower’s role in supporting the capacity in the future will be further improved and .JOEE / 9 strengthened. At the same time, the integrated development of water, wind and solar power based on the cascaded hydropower is expected to become one of the important ways to promote energy transition and development. III. Pumped storage As of the end of 2019, 25 provinces autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government in China have carried out systematic site selection and relative planning for pumped storage power plants, and some provinces have carried out multiple rounds of site selection and planning or adjustment. According to relevant planning results, the total installed capacity of the identified pumped storage stations planned was about 120 GW, 30.29 GW of which have finished construction and 50.63 GW of which is under construction. Pumped storage power stations play an important role in ensuring the security of the power system, providing flexible and adjustment capacity, and supporting the consumption of new energy. The demand for pumped storage development will continue to grow, and the function of the power station will become diversified. The site selection and planning and preliminary work of pumped storage power station had been carried out orderly, and steady progress had been made in project development and construction. The investment and development entities had become more diversified. .JOEE / 10 IV. Wind power In 2019, the newly-added on-grid capacity of wind power in China reached 25.74 GW, and the cumulative installed capacity was 210.05 GW, with a year-on-year increase of 14. The annual output was 405.7 TW·h, an year-on-year increase of 10.8, accounting for 5.5 of total electricity generation. The newly-added on-grid capacity of offshore wind power was 1.98 GW, an year-on-year increase of 23, and the cumulative on-grid capacity reached 5.93 GW. Under the positive influence of factors such as continuous optimization of wind power development layout, multi-channel expansion of local consumption of new energy, construction of inter- provincial and cross-regional transmission channels, power market transaction on the new energy consumption, the amount of wind curtailment in 2019 was 16.9 TW·h, a decrease of 10.8 TW·h compared with 2018, and the wind curtailment rate dropped to 4, a year-on-year decrease of 3. The average utilization hours of wind power in China was 2082 h, which reduced 13 h compared to 2018. In 2019, the RD and manufacturing technology for wind power equipment had been increased rapidly, the engineering construction and survey design technology had been constantly improved, and the offshore wind power technology was developed quickly. There was a constant stream of new intelligent technologies such as smart wind turbines. Efforts had been intensified to promote technology advancement to achieve continuous declination in the Feed-in-Tariff of wind power, and to advance competitive allocation. .JOEE / 11 V. Solar power In 2019, the newly-added capacity of solar power in China was 30.31 GW, with a cumulative installed capacity of 204.74 GW, of which the newly-added capacity for photovoltaic power and CSP were 30.11 GW and 0.20 GW respectively with their cumulative installed capacity being 204.3 GW and 0.44 GW respectively. The national photovoltaic power generated reached 224.3 TW·h, a year-on-year increase of 26.3, accounting for 3.1 of the total power generated. The amount of photovoltaic curtailment was reduced to 4.6 TW·h, and the average photovoltaic curtailment rate dropped to 2, with a year-on-year decrease of 1. The national average yearly utilization hours of photovoltaic power generation was 1169 h, an result of continuous optimization of project layout, the simultaneous development in centralized and distributed model, and the promotion of new energy consumption by power market transactions. The newly-added investment in photovoltaic power in 2019 was about 132 billion RMB, which was about 45 lower than that in 2018. In 2019, the national photovoltaic industry had achieved a stable perance while securing rapid development in polysilicon, silicon wafers, solar cells, photovoltaic modules and other links. The photovoltaic power generation capacity and project operation and maintenance management level have been significantly improved. Domestic technology of concentrating solar power CSP equipment for solar-thermal power had gradually improved. The technology advancement had driven down the generation cost of solar power .JOEE / 12 rapidly. And the solar power will become the largest renewable energy source with the lowest Feed-in-Tariff in China. VI. Biomass energy In 2019, the newly-added on-grid capacity of biomass power in China was 3.25 GW, and its cumulative on-grid capacity was 23.69 GW, including 10.80 GW from agricultural and forestry, 12.14 GW from household waste incineration and 750 MW from biogas. Biomass power generated in 2019 was about 111.1 TW·h, an year-on-year increase of 22.6, accounting for 1.5 of the total power generated. The average yearly utilization hour of power generation reached 5181 h, remaining a relatively high level, and the electricity generated by biomass had increased significantly. In 2019, the scale of biomass natural gas production had increased significantly, the heating scale of biomass-ing fuels had been continuously expanded, and the demonstration and promotion of biomass liquid fuels has made steady progress. In the future, priority will be given to the development of non-electricity utilization of biomass energy. In 2019, Chinas total investment in biomass power was about 50.8 billion RMB, including about 9.7 billion RMB for agriculture and forestry, about 39.8 billion RMB for domestic waste incineration,

