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绿色设计 产品评价 标准、实 施模 式和应用 试点研究 The Standards Development, Procedure and Pilot Implementation of Green-design Product Assessment 中 国标 准化 研究院 2017.9.25 项目信 息 项目资助号 G-1609-25174 Grant Number G-1609-25174 项目期 2016.8.15-2017.8.14 Grant period 2016.8.15-2017.8.14 所属领域 工业 Sector Industry 项目概述 当前,中国经济总量已跃居世界第二位,人民群众的消费需求正在由 “价格低廉” 向“质量优良 、绿色环保” 转 变,对质 优、安全、 环保的 高品 质产品的消 费需求非常迫切。针 对 我国供给侧结构改革 和 消费品质量提升需要 , 本项目通过 标 准化手段,开展了陶 瓷 砖、空气净化器绿色 设 计产品评价标准的研 究 ,建立了 绿色 设计产品评价实施方 案 ,开展了绿色设计试 点 评价工作。在项目期 内 ,发布了包 括 100 余 种产 品的第 二批绿 色设 计产 品名 录,并将 试点 工作 模式 转化为工 信部 常态 化 工作机制;召开了绿 色 设计团体标准发布会 和 绿色设计与制造专题 国 际会议,对 绿 色设计理念和绿色产 品 进行了广泛宣传和推 广 ;项目开展了绿色成 本 方法研究, 提 出了基于支付意愿理 论 ,以环境税和资源税 为 依据的绿色成本核算 方 法,进行了 案 例应用研究;项目对 国 内外在推动绿色产品 发 展方面的政策、模式 进 行了梳理, 基 于绿色产品评价工作 中 的经验,结合现有制 度 和现实情况,分别针 对 政府、企业 、 市场提出了推广绿色 产 品、实施绿色设计、 建 立绿色消费模式的建 议 。通过本项 目 的 实施 ,可 以大 幅提升绿 色产 品的 市场 占有率和 竞争 力, 提高 老百姓的“ 获得 感” 。 所 建立“ 标准 研制企业 自我 声明 评价 试点政府 采信 名录绿 色产品推 广”市场驱 动的绿色设计产品评 价 模式,有效降低了企 业 产品绿色评价成本, 符 合供给侧结 构 性改革的理念。 Project Description With China s economy leaping to the second place in the world, people s consumption demand is transing from “low price” to “good quality and green environmental protection”. To promote the supply-side re and the uplift of the consumer’s goods, this project carried out relevant works by the means of standardization. During the research period, the green-design assessment specifications for ceramic tile and air cleaner were developed. The procedure for the assessment of green-design product was also established and politely implemented. On the basis of the pilot program, the 2 ndbatch of green-design products were released including more than 100 products of 30 different categories in the year of 2016. The abovementioned assessment procedure has been adopted by MIIT and become a regular work of the department. In order to disseminate the green standards as well as the and thoughts of green design, the first 13group standards of green design assessment specification press meeting and the international forum themed by green design and manufacture were hold respectively. The present project also explored the mythology for green cost audit, which proposed a monetization- characterization approach based on the theory of willingness-to-pay and using the environment/resource tax as weighing factors. The project also put forward some suggestions for government, producer and market on the basis of their different roles regarding the dissemination, implementation and assessment of green design. The outputs of the project can contribute to the green transition of the manufacture scoters in the following ways. Firstly, it helps the provision of the green and high quality air cleaner and ceramic tile products for consumers, and significantly enhances the market share and the competitiveness of green products. Secondly, the established market-driven green design products assessment procedure as “standard development - producer self- assessment and declaim – the publicity of the green-design product list and endorsement of the government - green product promotion“ can effectively reduce the cost of green- design product assessment for the enterprises. Thirdly, the s and suggestions for government, producer and market can help the dissemination and implementation of green design. 项目成员付允、林翎、黄进、高东峰、杨朔、吴丽丽、王秀腾、张晓昕、周 丽玮、王卓、刘艳萍、张璐、赵维凯 Project team Yun Fu, Ling Lin, Jin Huang, Dongfeng Gao, Shuo Yang, Lili Wu, Xiuteng Wang, Xiaoxin Zhang, Liwei Zhou, Zhuo Wang, Yanping Liu, Lu Zhang, Weikai Zhao 关键词 供给侧改革,标准化,绿色设计,绿色成本核算,政策建议 Key Word Supply-side re, standardization, green design, green cost audit, suggestions for policy-making 本报告由能源基金会资助。 报告内容不代表能源基金会观点。 This report is funded by Energy Foundation. It does not represent the views of Energy Foundation. 摘 要 当前,中国经济总量已跃居世界第二位,人民群众的消费需求正在由“价 格低廉”向“质量优良、绿色环保”转变,对质优、安全、环保的高品质产品 的消费需求非常迫切,如空气净化器、净水机、家装建材、母婴用品等。2015 年度中国公民境外消费总额达 1.5 万亿元,2016 年春节期间更创下 900 亿元新 高,境外消费旺盛反映出中国当前消费尤其是中高端消费供需结构矛盾,凸显 了消费者对国货信心不足,以及国内产能过剩但有效供给不足的现状。 2015 年,习近 平总书 记提出了 “供给侧 结构 性改革” 重大目标 ,大 力发展 绿色设计产品,促进消费模式转变,正是供给侧改革的关键。2016 年 4 月 6 日, 李克强总理在国务院常务会议上提到,坚持标准引领,建设制造强国,是结构 性改革尤其是供给侧结构性改革的重要内容。利用标准化手段,提高绿色供给, 引领绿色消费,推进供给侧结构性改革,成为现阶段标准化体系建设的重要任 务。针对这一目标,本项目主要开展了以下工作 1. 研究制定空气净化器、陶瓷砖等两项绿色设计产品评价标准 调研了国外空气净化器和陶瓷砖的绿色产品评价规则(Product Category Rule , PCR),开展了 相关标准的比对分析;针对空气净化器产品调研了广东 美的制冷设备有限公司、珠海格力电器股份有限公司、莱克电子股份有限公司 等十余家国内外空气净化器生产厂商;针对陶瓷砖联合山东维统科技有限公司、 中国建筑材料联合会、内蒙古自治区标准化院等单位调研了陶瓷砖行业和产品 有关情况;形成了绿色设计产品评价技术规范 陶瓷砖国家标准报批稿,以 及绿色设计产品评价技术规范空气净化器团体标准并开展了空气净化器和 陶瓷砖产品的生态设计产品评价试点工作。 2. 研究提出绿色设计产品的评价实施模式,开展评价试点工作 按照“试点先行、积累经验、逐步拓展、扩大影响”的总体原则制定了绿 色设计产品试点评价方案,该试点方案采用了企业自我声明第三方机构评 i 价政府事后监督的思路,企业基于自主自愿参与评价并承担主体责任。 基 于这一实施模式开展了绿色设计产品评价应用试点工作,先后两批发布共 119 个绿色设计产品。广州美的空气净化器产品,以及蒙娜丽莎陶瓷砖产品都进入 了名单。工信部已采纳该评价实施模式,并将其转化为常态化工作机制,在 2017 年 5 月主持开展了第三批绿色设计产品的评价工作。 3. 广泛宣传绿色设计评价标准和绿色设计产品,在合肥召开了 2016 年绿色制 造 国际论坛 2016 年 9 月 5 日,首 批 13 项绿色设计产品评价技术规范团体标准 在 北 京 发 布。包括中央/ 国家级媒体 18 家、专业媒体 4 家、行业媒体 3 家和地方媒体 2 家 参加发布会。中央电视台、北京卫视、新华网等进行了报道;召开了第二届绿 色设计与制造国际论坛。人民网、中新社、中国网等 30 多家主流媒 体、专业媒 体、行业媒体及网络媒体进行了论坛报道。2016 年 11 月 12-13 日,由中国标准 化研究院、中国产学研合作促进会、能源基金会(中国)共同主办的“第二届 绿色设计与制造论坛”在安徽合肥召开。工业和信息化部、国家质检总局、国 家标准委、安徽质监局、合肥市政府、合肥高新区等有关领导,以及来自意大 利、加拿大、日本、法国、德国、中国等国家的 50 多位专家出席会 议,参会代 表约 600 余 人。此 次 论坛以“ 技术 创新推 动 绿色发展 ,推 动供给 侧 结构性改 革” 为主题,论坛上发布了第二批绿色设计产品名录,揭牌成立了中国绿色设计与 制造产业创新联盟,颁发了“绿链杯”优秀论文奖。中国标准化研究院资源与 环境分院与合肥高新区管委会签约共同建设绿色设计与制造标准化创新中心。 主论坛同期还设置了产业综合、学术、绿色家电和绿色建材四个分论坛。 4. 以推 动绿色 设计 的 实施和 推广绿 色产 品为 目的, 分别针 对政 府、 企业和 市场 提出了政策和技术建议 绿色设计产品评价与推广需要政府、企业和社会广泛参与。其中,由政府 有关部门主导制定评价工作相关制度,企业是实施绿色设计和评价的主体,市 场监督政府和企业行为的同时也是绿色产品推广主要渠道。针对政府政策制定 和监督责任,提出结合生产者责任延伸制度,通过调整废弃产品回收基金缴纳 标准,引入回收券减少回收成本,将消费者纳入回收基金缴纳范围,激励生产 ii 企业实施绿色设计;同时通过完善第三方机构资质管理制度,提高第三方认证 机构门槛,制定完善的激励与惩罚措施等减少绿色产品评价过程中第三方机构 权力寻租的空间,保证绿色产品的公正性和真 实性。在帮助企业进行绿色设 计 实践方面,主要从提高消费者和用户环保意识,提高绿色产品的接受度方面, 提出了 12 项产品绿色 设计方面的建议,目的是激发用户的责任感、影响其决策 机制、启发和引导认知等。针对市场化的绿色产品推广模式,提出在电商平台 设置绿色销售专区和 绿色积分制度,建立市场 化运作的绿色消费基金,实施差 额消费税和完善招投标制度等建议。 5. 绿色设计和生产过程成本核算理论方法与案例分析研究 绿色设计和制造过程的评价是一项复杂的工作,这主要是由于技术工艺过 程千差万别,在评价过程中一方面要体现环境效益,也需要兼顾这一过程的在 经济上是否可行从很多环保技术难以落地的例子中可以发现,成本是制约绿 色生产制造技术最大问题。要体现绿色技术的优势,必须改变目前以经济效益 为唯一指标的成本核算方式,即将环境成本入到总成本中。但是生产过程中所 产生的各种环境影响的是难以归一化的,因此更加难以与经济方面的指标进一 步比较。基于以上考虑,本研究提出了以环境税和资源税为转化系数的环境影 响货币化表征方法。货币化的环境影响结果可以直接与经济指标(成本、收益 等)进行关联,形成综合经济、环境两方面的成本核算方法。在这一思路基础 上,对三种相近的废物资源化利用过程进行了案例比较研究。 iii Abstract With China s economy leaping to the second place in the world, people s consumption demand is transing from “low price” to “good quality and green environmental protection”. The consumption demand is very urgent for products with high quality, safety and environmental protection, especially for household wares. However, the lack of premium brands and insufficient supply of high-end products cannot meet this transition, which causes the boom of oversea purchasement of Chinese. In 2015, the total amount of the abroad consumption hit a historical record of 1.5 trillion Yuan; and a new high of 90 billion Yuan was marked soon after during the Spring Festival holiday of 2016. The ever-growing overseas shopping of Chinese consumers reflect the lack of confidence in the domestic products, and highlight the supply side structural contradiction of the manufacture industry. In 2015, present Xi Jinping put forward the major objective of “Supply-side Structural Re“ The Green design and sustainable consumption pattern are the keys to achieve this goal. On April 6, 2016, Prime Minister Li Keqiang attended the cutive meetings of the State Council and emphasized that the direction of standards and the establishment of manufacture power are the primary contents of the structural re, especially for the supply-side structural re. At present, the primary goal for the establishment of the standard system is to improve green supply, guide green consumption, and promote supply-side structural re with standardization as the mean. Following research and activities have been carried out by the present project. 1 Study and development of green design product assessment standards for air cleaner and ceramic tile Comparative studies have been carried out between the foreign green product assessment rules of air cleaner and ceramic tiles Product Category Rule, PCR, and green-design assessment standards. As far as air cleaner are concerned, field investigation were carried out in a dozen domestic air purifier manufacturers such as Guangdong Midea Refrigeration Equipment Co., Ltd., Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai, Lex Electronic Corporation Limited; as to ceramic tiles, studies were carried out in Shandong V-Tong Science and Technology Co., Ltd., China Building Materials Federation, Inner Mongolia Institute of Standardization and so forth. The standards including Green Design Product Assessment Specification for Ceramic Tile national standard drafted for application, and Green Design Product Specification for Air cleaner group standard were developed, and the pilot assessment based on these two standards was conducted. 2 The proposal of implementation procedure for the green design product assessment and the pilot program According to the general principle of “gain experience based on pilot iv implementation, and gradually expand the influence“, the green design product pilot assessment scheme was ed, which adopts the idea of producer make self- declaration -- third-party conduct the assessment -- post governmental supervision. Enterprises can decide their involvement in this program and take the responsibility for their statements. Based on this implementation procedure, the pilot program of the green design product assessment was carried out, and a total of 119 green design products were included in the publicity lists and announced. The Ministry of Industry and Ination Technology has adopted the assessment implementation procedure and transed it into a regular work for the department. In May 2017, MIIT conducted the assessment of the third-batch green design products. 3 The dissemination of green design assessment standards and green design products, and the International Green Manufacturing Forum 2016 in Hefei On September 5, 2016, the first batch of 13 green design products specifications group standard was announced in Beijing. 18 central / state media, 4 professional media, 3 industry media and 2 local media attended the press conference. CCTV , BTV and X broadcast the news and relevant reports were also delivered. The GDM2016 was also held and reported by more than 30 mainstream media, such as , China News Service, and so on. During November 12-13, 2016, the GDM2016 was co-organized by the China National Institute of Standardization, China Industry-University-Research Institute Collaboration Association and the Energy Foundation China in Hefei, Anhui. The officials of the Ministry of Industry and Ination Technology, General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine , the Standardization Administration of the P.R.C., Administration of Quality and Technology Supervision of Anhui Province, Hefei Municipal government, and Hefei Science and Technology Industrial Park, and more than 50 experts from Italy, Canada, Japan, France, Germany, China and other countries, with total participants of over 600 people attended the forum. Themed at “technology innovation drives green development and promotes supply-side structural re“, the forum released the second batch of green design product list, established China Industrial Innovation Alliance of Green Design and Manufacturing, and gave the “green chain Cup“ award. The resources and environment branch of China National Institute of Standardization and Management Committee of Hefei Science and Technology Industrial Park signed to co-build a green design and manufacturing standardization innovation center. The main forum was concurrently held with four sub-forums industry synthesis, academy, green home appliances and green building materials. 4 For the aim of promoting the implementation of green design and spreading green products, policy and technical suggestions were put forward for the government, enterprises and markets respectively The assessment and promotion of green design products requires extensive participation from the government, enterprises and market. Among them, the relevant governmental departments are responsible for the policy-making, while enterprises are the subject for the implementation of green design and assessment. Market plays more and more significant part in the promotion of green products by supervising both the government and enterprise, and providing third-party service. For the government, we propose to combine the Extended Producer Responsibility EPR to promote green design by adopting a more flexible fund collection rate, extending the v fund collection scope to cover consumer and introducing a “collection coupon” to diminish the share of inal collectors. For the enterprise, 12 suggestions were proposed for the realization of good and effective green design for the purpose of enhancing the customers’ preference for green products. These suggestions include instilling sense of control with active customer participation, simplifying the dscision with industrial standards, design with interaction incentives and feedback and so forth. As far as the promotion green product based on market mechanism, we proposed to set up green product sector and green award points in the e-commerce plat, establish the market-based green consumption fund, and adopt more flexible consumption tax and bidding system favorable for green product. 5 The proposal of green cost audit and the case study for the green design and production process The assessment of green design and manufacturing process is an intricate process due to the great diversity of different technical processes. The present project proposed a monetization-characterization environmental impact assessment for the green cost audit. In the process, resource and environment tax rates were introduced as conversion factors. A case study was carried out based on the proposed , where three high-aluminum fly ash utilization s in Mongolia were assessed and compared. The environmental assessment was conducted in accordance with life- cycle assessment principles, and a monetization-weighting approach was applied to obtain social willingness-to-pay as the results of green cost audit. The economic perance assessment showed positive net profits for fly ash utilization, but high value-added products were not necessarily indicative of better economic perance due to the relatively high operation cost. Comparison of the eco-efficiency indicators EEIs implied that the process which produced mullite ceramic and active calcium silicate, was the most recommended out of the three scenarios on the present scale. This judgment was consistent with the uation of the resource utilization rate. The case study show

