跨境电子商贸– 智能合约与区块链的使用以及法律风险管理Cross-borde.pdf

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跨境电子商 贸 – 智 能 合 约 与 区块链的使用以及法律 风 险管理 Cross-border E-commerce – the use of smart contracts and blockchain and legal risk management 郭思锋律师 香港律师会 创新科技委员会委员 Philip Kwok Member, InnoTech Committee, The Law Society of Hong Kong 2018 年9 月5 日 什么是区块链 What is Blockchain  区块链是一种去中心化和分布式数字账本或条目列 表,由不同参与者在计算机网络中维护 A blockchain is a decentralised and distributed digital ledger or list of entries – that is maintained by various participants in a network of computers 2 什么是区块链 What is Blockchain 3 中心化 Centralized 去中心化 Decentralized 什么是区块链 What is Blockchain  区块链的数据在多个数码地点中进行共享、复制和 同步 Data in the blockchain are shared, replicated and synchronised across multiple digital locations 4 区块链技术 去中心化 Blockchain Technology Decentralisation  去中心化意味着网络可以按P2P模式运营,无需传 统网络中促成交易的中间人 Decentralisation means the network can operate on a P2P basis, taking out the middle man who facilitates transactions in a traditional network 5 区块链技术 去中心化 Blockchain Technology Decentralization  由于解决了单点失效问题,分布式账本被认为具有 安全性 Decentralised ledgers are considered secure because there is no single point of failure 6 区块链技术 分布式 Blockchain Technology Distribution  分布式意味着数据并非处于一个位置,而是被复制 或者共享 Distribution means that data do not exist in one place but are duplicated or shared  由于每项交易经多个用户验证,分布式账本具有准 确性 Distributed ledgers are accurate because multiple users validate each transaction 7 区块链的运作原理 How Blockchains Work  区块链收集数据、将其分别放入各个“区块”并使 用加密技术将其按时间顺序链接到一起,为区块链 用户确保条目的安全性 A blockchain gathers and orders data into “blocks” and chains them together chronologically using cryptography, providing comfort to blockchain users that the entries are secure 8 区块链的运作原理 How Blockchains Work 9 1. 验证 Validation 2. 区块构成 Block ation 3. 时间戳 Time stamp 4. 加密 Encryption 5. 链结 Link 其他分布式帐本技术 Other Distributed Ledger Technologies DLTs  并非所有虚拟货币或分布式帐本都是基于区块链 Not all virtual currencies or distributed ledger technologies are on blockchains  区块链只是分布式账本技术的一种 Blockchains are just one type of DLT 10 什么是智能合约 What is Smart Contract  一个利用区块链技术的计算机程序或自动程式码 A computer program or automated code adopting blockchain technology  程式码定义规则及条件,及在规则及条件符合时需采取的交 易行动 The code defines the rules and conditions, and the transactions to undertake once these rules and conditions are met 11 什么是智能合约 What is Smart Contract  当条件符合,数字货币或资产便会自动转移,交易记录马上 在区块链上的各方同步 When conditions are met, digital currencies or assets are transferred automatically, and transactions records are immediately synchronised across all parties on the blockchain 12 区块链的应用 Blockchain Applications  保险合同及自动理赔 Insurance Policies and Automated Insurance Payouts  数字资料版权保护 Copyright Protection of Digital Contents  贸易融资 Trade Financing 13 14 香港律师会 电话852 2846 0549 电邮adceamhklawsoc.org.hk Copyright 2017 The Law Society of Hong Kong. All Rights Reserved.

