Hyperledger Fabric SDK 解析.pdf

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IBM开源技术微讲堂区块链和 HyperLedger系列第九讲Hyperledger Fabric SDK解析1更多信息,请访问 http//ibm.biz/opentech-ma“区块链和 HyperLedger Fabric”系列公开课 每周四晚 8点档1. 区块链商用之道2. HyperLedger项目 与社区概览3. HyperLedger Fabric架构解读4. ChainCode实战5. HyperLedger Fabric中的 共享账本6. HyperLedger Fabric中的共识机制7. HyperLedger Fabric中的隐 私与安全8. HyperLedger Fabric应用案例赏析9. HyperLedger Fabric SDK解析2课程 Wiki http//ibm.biz/opentech-ma往期视频 http// 翁书涵 IBM中国系统实验室区块链项目组负责人 IBM区 块链服 务 HSBN QA组技术负责人 IBM Blockchain 技术支持 参与多家国内金融保险行业 Blockchain PoC3 What is Hyperledger Fabric SDK Fabric SDK Deep Dive Play with SDK E2E Demo using Fabric NodeSDK4议程 SDK Software Development Kit Java SDK, Android SDK, etc Hyperledger Fabric SDK Node https// Python https// Java https// Go https// is Hyperledger Fabric SDK6Fabric SDK DesignV1Post-V1 Chaincode Development Coding UTApplication Development Fabric-ca-client Fabric-client Extension CA Fabric-ca or Extenal CA Common API7Fabric-ca-clientRegister RevokeEnroll Reenroll Tcert8Fabric-client EventHub-chaincodeRegistrants- clientContext connect register unregister11Extension CryptoSuite A suite of crypto algorithms used by the SDK to per encryption decryption and secure hashing for Asymmetric keys such as ECDSA or RSA ,Symmetric keys such as AES and Secure hash such as SHA2/3. KeyValueStore FileKeyValueStore DatabaseKeyValueStore10Scenario 1 Chain Construction11Scenario 2 Transaction Lifecycle12Transaction confirmation EventHub Block Event Transaction Event Chaincode EventNew eventHub setPeerAddr connectregisterXXeventunregisterXXeventDisconnect13Endorsement Policy Build Policy Endorsement validation Are the certificate in the endorsor field valid signed by trusted CAs Are the signatures in the endorsements valid matches the payload hash Are the writesets in all the responses consistent{identities [{ role { name “member“, mspId “peerOrg1“ }},{ role { name “member“, mspId “peerOrg2“ }},{ role { name “member“, mspId “peerOrg3“ }}],policy {“1-of“ [{ “signed-by“ 2},{ “1-of“ [{ “signed-by“ 0 }, { “signed-by“ 1 }]}]}}14Application Cert ManagementBob authenticate to the server using Twitter ID and adds her identity to her identity store.The server persists Bob’s enrollmentld into storeThe server requests an enrollment certificate using the identity that Bob suppliedThe server looks up Bob’s identity and enrollment certificate from the data storeBob authenticate to the REST server using Twitter ID.The server s transactions to HyperledgerFabric using Bob’s enrollmentBob requests an enrollment certificate using identity that Bob SuppliedBob s transactions to Hyperledger Fabric using Bob’s enrollmentWebApplicationStandalone AppDemoIBM开源技术微讲堂区块链和 HyperLedger系列QA16更多信息,请访问 http//ibm.biz/opentech-ma扫码入群,与讲师互动

