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Low Carbon Infrastructure Planning in Kunming –a Swiss perspective基于瑞士经验的昆明市低碳基础设施规划22 of May 2019Simone Bützer, Markus AntenerTitel der Präsentation22. Mai 2019, Seite 2Stadt ZürichERZ Entsorgung Recycling ZürichLake Protection Masterplan 滇池保护规划- 滇池全域 2920平方公里的综合保护规划- 目标 2020年湖泊水质达四类标准, 2035年草海水质达四类标准, 2035年外海水质达三类标准- 针对城市、农村、农业、土壤 采矿 地区保护措施- Comprehensive Dianchi protection planning in the entire catchment area of 2920 km2- Aim 2020 stable grade 4 in both lakes; 2035 stable grade 4 in small lake Caohai and stable grade 3 in big lake Waihai - Measures for urban, rural, agricultural and soil mining areasInterface Low Carbon / climate mitigation低碳与气候变化的衔接- 健康的生态系统能良好应对气候变化- 通过渗透补给地下水- 减少湖泊营养物质 减少甲烷的释放- CH4 20CO2- A healthy ecosystem is more resilient to climate change - Recharge groundwater resources by infiltration- Reduction of nutrient load in the lake reduces methane emissionTitel der Präsentation22. Mai 2019, Seite 3Stadt ZürichERZ Entsorgung Recycling ZürichLake Protection Masterplan 滇池保护规划Recommendation 建议- Great work- Dimension WWTP and Pipes with sufficient capacity up to lifetime growth based on individual data - Attend the pollution at the source- Do not implement measures in the lake – at the end of pipe - that generates higher costs without resilient benefit. - Focus on reduction measures of agricultural nutrients and pesticides and Industries as the P-Mine- Maximize the waste water collection Switzerland 98 are connected to drainage system and WWTP Standards small villages as well- 污水处理厂规模和管道尺寸应依据具体的基础数据规律进行设计,保证污水处理厂的规模及管道具备足够的污水处理能力,实现从源头上解决污染问题- 尽量减少末端处理 通常情况下末端处理成本更高、并且没有间接效益- 重点采取低肥低药的农业方式,重点关注磷矿产业- 提高污水收集处理率 瑞士 98污水进入污水系统和污水处理厂,包括小村庄Titel der Präsentation22. Mai 2019, Seite 4Stadt ZürichERZ Entsorgung Recycling ZürichLake Protection Masterplan 滇池保护规划Future Recommendation 长远建议- 全方位综合考虑,制定相应的法律法规和政策- 全面监控污水处理厂出水水质和滇池湖泊水质质量 设置主管部门、制定规定进行监控- 部门联合、加强宣传、公众参与- ulate rules and regulations/ policies according to the Integrated approach - Control the quality of the effluents of WWTP and in the Lake – authorities, regular control- Communicate Integrate the societyInterface urban planning / Strategy 2050与 2050年城市规划与战略的衔接- 为污水处理厂未来处理持久性有机污染物和配置其他措施预留空间- 城市规划工业区和废物回收区相邻,易于协同工作- Reserve space in WWTP’s for further step to eliminate POP´s and further measures - Urban planning industrial and waste-recovery areas next to each other for synergyTitel der Präsentation22. Mai 2019, Seite 5Stadt ZürichERZ Entsorgung Recycling ZürichEnergy efficiency in urban infrastructure 城市基础设施的能源效益E i n h e i t R i c h t w e r t 10 - 3 0 ‘0 0 0 I d e a l w e r t 10 - 3 0 ‘0 0 0 e f f e k t i v20094e f f e k t i v 20114S p e z . G e s a mt s t r o m v e r b r a u c h e g e s k W h / E W * a 3 312 6137 44 S p e z . S t r o m v e r b r a u c h B iolo g ie e BB / N u r G e b l ä s e k W h / E W * a k W h / E W * a 2 321 8225 29 G r a d d e r g e s a mt e n F a u lg a s n u t z u n g , N 1 97 98 94 100 G r a d d e r F a u lga s u mw a n d lun g , N 2 31 33 24 24 S p e z if is c h e F a u lga s p r o d u k t ion p r o k g o T S l/ k g o T S 450 475 4 25 4 39 T h e r m. E ig e n v e r s o r g u n g s g r a d V W 95 97 9 2 91 E l e k t r . E ige n v e r s o r g u n g s g r a d V E _ e x kl . H e b e w e rk 5 3369342 41 R ic h t - u n d I d e a l w e r t e r z i e lt R ic h t - u n d I d e a l w e r t n i c h t e r z i e lt 1 R ic h t w e r t ko r r igie r t u m – 3 * 0 .6 kW h /E W * a A /I , I d e a lw e r t u m – 2 * 0 .6 kW h /E W * a A /I 6 0 v o n G e s a m t s t r o m b e d a r f B iolo g ie u n d b e ide 0 .3 kWh/ E W * a 3 m H e b e w e r k, 2 0 d e s Wa s s e r s ; K o r r e k t u r B i o log ie f ü r 7 M o n a t e S o m m e r ; i m Wi n t e r w i r d ko n v e n t ion e ll g e f a h r e n 2 R ic h t w e r t k o r r igie r t u m – 3 kWh/ E W * a A /I , I d e a lw e r t u m – 2 kWh/ E W * a A /I ; K o r r e k t u r f ü r 7 M o n a t e S o m m e r ; im Wi n t e r w ir d ko n v e n t i o n e l l g e f a h r e n 3 R ic h t w e r t k o r r igie r t u m 3 kW h /E W * a A /I , I d e a lw e r t u m 2 kW h /E W * a A /I u n d b e ide - 0 . 3 kW h /E W * a 3 m H e b e w e r k , 2 0 d e s W a s s e r s ; K o r r e k t u r B iol o g ie f ü r 7 M o n a t e S o m m e r ; i m Wi n t e r w i r d ko n v e n t ion e ll g e f a h r e n D ie We r t e d e r G r o b a n a ly s e e n t s p r e c h e n n ic h t d e n We r t e n d e s B T B , d a d ie B e z u g s g r ö s s e d e r C S B M it t e lw e r t / 1 2 0 g * E W * d u n d n ic h t d e r 8 5 W e r t d e s C S B is t . Interface Low Carbon / climate mitigation低碳与气候变化的衔接- 基础设施的运行效率越高,所需的资源和化石能源就越少- The more efficient the operation of the infrastructure, the less resources and fossil energy is needed.Recommendation 建议- 节能计划- 提高污水处理要求,执行更高标准- 污泥发酵 -沼气 -替代化石燃料 40的电力和 100的热能 - 污水处理厂进行节能减耗- 泵站系统做为一个完整的系统运行,泵站、管道和池子不分家- 建立能量回收设施- Energy reduction plan- Standard values for your WWTP’s – benchmarking - fermentation of the sludge - Biogas - replace fossil fuels 40 of electricity and 100 thermal Energy- Energy efficient dimensioning of WWTP- pump system one system and not Pump, Pipe and Tank- Generate Energy parks PFMTitel der Präsentation22. Mai 2019, Seite 6Stadt ZürichERZ Entsorgung Recycling ZürichSolid waste 固体废弃物Interface Low Carbon / climate mitigation低碳与气候变化的衔接- 地区供热越多,可替代的化石燃料就越多- 垃圾分类收集可以减少其运输量,从而减少资源浪费- The more district heating is used the more fossil fuels can be replaced - The separate collection reduces the amount of transportation and the waste of resourcesRecommendation 建议- 将焚烧热能回用于人(供暖)和工业- 通过垃圾分类来减少垃圾量 -减少运输量- 加强对话,利用社会资源 探讨 3种垃圾分类,在幼儿园和学校建立可持续的基础- Reuse the thermal energy of incineration for private and industry- Reduce the waste amounts by separate collection - less transport- Communicate Integrate the society – discuss the 3 waste categories in Kindergarten and School to build a sustainable baseTitel der Präsentation22. Mai 2019, Seite 7Stadt ZürichERZ Entsorgung Recycling ZürichSolid waste 固体废弃物Interface urban planning / Strategy 2050与 2050年城市规划与战略的衔接- 长期的战略规划远比短期的活动有效- 规划工业园区临近垃圾焚烧厂,以便于余热利用 易于协同利用- 在城市规划中预留可进行发酵和沼气生产的用地- The long-term strategy is more important than short term actions - Plan industrial areas next to the incineration plants to be able to reuse the excess energy - Synergy- Define places in urban planning to enable fermentation and biogas productionTitel der Präsentation22. Mai 2019, Seite 8Stadt ZürichERZ Entsorgung Recycling ZürichFermentation of green waste 生物垃圾发酵Interface Low Carbon / climate mitigation低碳与气候变化的衔接- 越多的生物垃圾进行发酵处理,就有越多的沼气可用来替代化石燃料- The more green waste can be fermented, the more biogas can be used to replace fossil fuelsRecommendation 建议Biodegradeble waste should be fermented. 生物垃圾宜进行发酵处理 Methane → Energy 甲烷 →能源 less CO2 减少 CO2 less CH4 in the athmosphere 减少大气中的甲烷 compost, structure soil 堆肥、改善土壤结构 fertilizer 肥料Landfill of green waste 生物垃圾填埋- Fills up the landfill 挤占填埋空间- Emittent of CO2 CO2 排放- Emittent of Methane in the athmosphere 甲烷排放Titel der Präsentation22. Mai 2019, Seite 9Stadt ZürichERZ Entsorgung Recycling ZürichFermentation of green waste 生物垃圾发酵需求分开收集可生物降解的垃圾- 调整法律,允许公共及私人垃圾收集机构单独收集生物垃圾,并允许规模较小的绿色垃圾处理厂独立运营- 通过制定法律,强制工业过程中的热能再利用- 试着从城市到地区再到国家政府自下而上的来讨论这个问题This needs Separate Collection of biodegradable waste.- Adjust the law to allow separate green waste collection for public and private collectors and allow smaller green-waste-plants as “standalones”- Put forward law to force the reuse of heat for industrial processes.→ Try to discuss this «bottom up» from city to district to country GovernmentTitel der Präsentation22. Mai 2019, Seite 10Stadt ZürichERZ Entsorgung Recycling ZürichFermentation of green waste 生物垃圾发酵Further Recommendation 长远建议- 通过优化工艺提高进料精度,提高沼气中的甲烷浓度,实现高效联产- 提供补贴,支持绿色废物消化 /发酵和气体生产- 尽快制定长期战略规划- Optimize the process with the accurate feed and enhance the methane-concentration in the biogas for efficient co-generation- Support green waste digestion/fermentation and gas production if possible with subsidies.- The political decisions for the long-term strategical planning should be made nowTitel der Präsentation22. Mai 2019, Seite 11Stadt ZürichERZ Entsorgung Recycling ZürichLID’s – Sponge city 低影响开发 -海绵城市Great Job We visited some nice areas with good implemented LIDInterface Low Carbon / climate mitigation 低碳与气候变化的衔接- Infiltration enrich groundwater resources and less floods (渗透补充地下水资源,减少内涝)- Reduction of nutrients and pollutants in the lake (减少入湖污染物)- Reduction of pollution of clean water (减少污染物进入清洁水体)Recommendation 建议- Aim → Mesures adequate (目标 →适宜的措施)- Keep always Quality and Quantity in the focus. This will help to improve Water Quality of Dian lake.持续关注水资源总量和水环境质量,有利于滇池水质的改善 - Focus primarily on infiltration. Retention of rainwater is more effective by bringing more water to the infiltration device 优先关注渗透,将更多的水引入入渗设施可以更有效地保持水土 Titel der Präsentation22. Mai 2019, Seite 12Stadt ZürichERZ Entsorgung Recycling ZürichLID’s – Sponge city 低影响开发 -海绵城市Recommendation- Generate a illustrated leaflet with ideal implementation of measures to advertise in greater Kunming area and add to the guidelines制作宣传册,在昆明全市范围进行海绵城市建设宣传- The implemented retention and infiltration measures can be substantially improved by small design changes部分设计细节的改善可以显著改善雨水渗透及保持措施效果- Generate a management plan and ensure proper maintenance of the measures cleaning permeable pavement, collect the leaves in retention tanks - A good maintenance of the overflow pipes and the measures in general is necessary制定管理计划,并实施必要的保养措施 如清洁透水路面,清理调蓄塘内的树叶 -对溢流管进行良好保养- Check rooftop-retention only before infiltration device检查屋顶雨水调蓄设施 设置于渗透设施前 - Implement also LID measures for the street water in the street around the new area so long no LID’s are considered对街道用水亦采取 LID措施 长期以来,在新区周围的街道建设中并未考虑 LID措施 Titel der Präsentation22. Mai 2019, Seite 13Stadt ZürichERZ Entsorgung Recycling ZürichThank you

