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建筑垃圾回收回用政策研究 Policy Research on Construction Waste Recycling and Reutilization 中国建筑设计研究院 青岛市建筑节能与墙体材料革新办公室 二 O 一四年 六月EF项目建筑垃圾回收回用政策研究 I 项目信息 项目资助号G-1305-18127 Grant NumberG-1305-18127 项目期05/01/2013-04/30/2014 Grant period05/01/2013-04/30/2014 所属领域建筑 SectorBuilding 项目概述本项目通过分析国内外建筑垃圾回收回用领域的法律法规、优惠政 策、监管机制、技术体系等现状,明确中国建筑垃圾回收回用领域与国外的差距 及存在的问题。通过建立中国建筑垃圾产生量估算模型,实现对建筑垃圾每年产 量和存量的估算,以及到 2020 年的产量预测;结合建筑垃圾产生、运输、资源 化、产品使用的不同阶段,分析建筑垃圾回收回用产业链中各主体的作用机制。 在此基础上,明确建筑垃圾回收回用的总体发展目标和阶段性目标,并结合建筑 垃圾产生的不同领域,对总体目标进行分解落实,制定了到 2020 年的政策发展 路线。为保障以上目标的实现,最后为中国政府提出了推动中国建筑垃圾回收回 用的管理政策、经济支持政策以及政策实施规划建议。 Project DiscriptionThis project has analyzed the construction waste recycling and reutilization situation at home and abroad, which included laws and regulations, preferential policy, supervision mechanism, technical system and so on, and then it has made clear the gap and problems between China and foreign countries. Through establishing the production amount estimation model of construction waste in China, the project has realized the estimating of production amount of every year, the total amount, and the forecasting amount in 2020. Considering the different stage of construction waste production, transportation, reutilization and product utilization, the EF项目建筑垃圾回收回用政策研究 II project has analyzed the role mechanism of different agents in the industry chain of construction waste recycling and reutilization. On the basis of these, the project has proposed the general objectives and staged development objectives for construction waste recycling and reutilization in the next several years. According to the different production fields of construction waste, the project has separated the general object and put into effect, then has made the policy development routes till 2020. In the end, the entire research results were presented in the of the policy suggestions for Chinese government including management policy, economic support policy and policy implementation plan. 项目成员 孙金颖,李毅,赵锂,刘鹏,赵云峰,张国东,尹文超,武宛央, 李亚男,姚伟明,张赛,郑正献,刘洪洲,马德杰,逯红梅 Project teamSUN Jinying, LI Yi, ZHAO Li, LIU Peng, ZHAO Yunfeng, ZHANG Guodong, YIN Wenchao, WU Wanyang, LI Yanan, YAO Weiming, ZHANG Sai, ZHENG Zhengxian, LIU Hongzhou, MA Dejie, LU Hongmei 关键词建筑垃圾,回收回用,产量核算,政策发展路线,管理政策,经济支 持政策 Key Word Construction waste,recycling and reutilization,prodction amount accounting,policy developing route,management policy,economic support policy 本报告由能源基金会资助。 报告内容不代表能源基金会观点。 This report is funded by Energy Foundation. It does not represent the views of Energy Foundation. EF项目建筑垃圾回收回用政策研究 III 摘 要 目前, 欧盟、 美国、 日本、 韩国等国建筑垃圾回收回用率已达到了 90以上, 而中国在 “十二五”资源综合利用指导意见 (发改环资[2011]2919 号)也仅提 出了到 2015 年“全国大中城市建筑废物利用率达到 30的目标” 。在中国,建 筑垃圾回收回用的技术已不存在障碍, 缺乏有效的激励政策和监管措施成为阻碍 建筑垃圾回收回用的主要瓶颈。为落实国务院的绿色建筑行动方案 (国办发 [2013]1 号)的十大任务之一“推进建筑废弃物资源化利用” , “推行建筑废弃物 集中处理和分级利用,加快建筑废弃物资源化利用技术、装备研发推广,编制建 筑废弃物综合利用技术标准,开展建筑废弃物资源化利用示范,研究建立建筑废 弃物再生产品标识制度” 。在建筑垃圾回收回用中推广前期需要政府的规划指导 和监督管理,但目前中国在中央层面尚缺少对建筑垃圾回收回用的目标规划、监 督管理政策和经济激励政策,亟需开展此方面的研究。 本项目通过分析国内外建筑垃圾回收回用领域的法律法规、优惠政策、监管 机制、技术体系等现状,明确中国建筑垃圾回收回用领域与国外的差距及存在的 问题。通过建立中国建筑垃圾产生量估算模型,实现对建筑垃圾每年产量和存量 的估算,以及到 2020 年的产量预测;结合建筑垃圾产生、运输、资源化、产品 使用的不同阶段,分析建筑垃圾回收回用产业链中各主体的作用机制。在此基础 上,明确建筑垃圾回收回用的总体发展目标和阶段性目标,并结合建筑垃圾产生 的不同领域,对总体目标进行分解落实,制定了到 2020 年的政策发展路线。为 保障以上目标的实现, 最后为中国政府提出了推动中国建筑垃圾回收回用的管理 政策、经济支持政策以及政策实施规划建议。本项目主要形成了以下成果 (一) 梳理了国外建筑垃圾回收回用政策经验借鉴分析。 通过对欧盟、 美国、 日本、新加坡、韩国在法律法规、优惠政策、监管机制、技术体系、产品推广等 方面的调研显示, 国际上大多数国家都通过立法明确了各责任主体在建筑垃圾回 收回用中的责任和义务,并制定了极为严格的惩罚措施;通过征收税费减少建筑 垃圾的产生和随意处置,以财政补贴、税收减免的方式资助再生建筑材料的生产 企业研发,通过政府采购等优惠措施鼓励政府和建设单位使用再生建筑材料;建 立了包括排放、生产、使用环节的全过程监管机制;并通过环境标识、列入绿色EF项目建筑垃圾回收回用政策研究 IV 建筑评价体系等方式强制性推广再生产品。 (二)通过国内调研识别了国内建筑垃圾回收回用现状及存在的问题。为充 分了解国内建筑垃圾回收回用现状, 课题组分别开展了北京、 上海、 深圳、 青岛、 常州、 许昌等地建筑垃圾回收回用现状、 已有政策、 执行效果及存在问题的调研, 并实地考察了国内最大的建筑垃圾资源化利用基地青岛绿帆再生建材有限公司、 以及行业内具有代表性的企业北京元泰达环保建材科技有限责任公司、 青岛磊鑫 集团有限公司和许昌金科建筑垃圾清运公司, 充分了解了不同利益主体的政策需 求。法律法规层面,据不完全统计目前中国已有 70 多个省市制订了与建筑垃圾 相关的法律法规和部门规章, 建筑垃圾回收回用工作已逐步进入法制化程序管理, 但由于缺乏上位法的规定,大部分城市建筑垃圾还存在随意倾倒现象;优惠政策 层面,多数停留在意向阶段,补贴政策不到位,建筑垃圾回收回用企业生产成本 高,不具竞争力;监管方式层面,各地政府监管处于住建系统、市政市容、城市 管理等多头管理,无人监管现象严重;建筑垃圾数量统计方面,各地缺乏合理估 计,数量没有概念。 (三)建立了建筑垃圾回收回用预测模型。区分建筑垃圾产生的不同阶段, 初步确定建筑垃圾在施工、拆除、装修三个阶段产生量的核算方法,并结合经济 发展水平选取代表性城市验证建筑垃圾产生量模型; 完成了对中国现有建筑垃圾 总量的估计,截止到 2012 年达 200 亿吨;以建筑业增速为基础,建立建筑垃圾 产量的高、中、低三种情景,2015 年建筑垃圾产量预测值为 40 亿吨、36 亿吨、 35亿吨,2020年建筑垃圾产量预测值为 71亿吨、50亿吨、45亿吨。 (四)完成了建筑垃圾全产业链分析。按照建筑垃圾产生、运输、资源化生 产等环节,分析了建筑垃圾全产业链中的不同主体包括施工企业、拆除企业、房 地产开发商、 垃圾回收企业、 运输企业、 资源化生产企业等主要特征和工作内容, 分析了产业链上不同主体之间的物质流、信息流、价值流、资金流关系,以及行 业发展初期、成熟期、衰退期的产业结构特征,识别现阶段产业发展问题,并提 出了加强法律监管、鼓励产业链内延伸合作、提高建筑垃圾再生产品使用比例、 建立建筑垃圾回收回用产品认证推广体系、构建行业发展政策的政策建议。 (5)提出了建筑垃圾回收回用推广路线图。将 2015年2020 年划分为示范 期( 2015-2016年) 、鼓励推广期(2017-2019年)和强制期( 2020年)三个阶段,EF项目建筑垃圾回收回用政策研究 V 研究建筑垃圾回收回用比率达到 30和 40的目标约束指导下,重点任务领域 新建建筑施工垃圾回收回用、既有建筑改造垃圾回收回用、既有建筑装修垃圾回 收回用的关键技术、关键措施和实施的难度。 (6)提出了建筑垃圾回收回用经济激励政策。提出了推动建筑垃圾回收回 用的管理政策、经济支持政策以及政策实施规划意见。管理政策包括①建筑垃 圾源头控制管理政策健全建筑垃圾回收回用相关法律体系,编制中长期建筑垃 圾回收回用专项规划,将建筑垃圾资源化利用目标纳入节能减排考核目标,建立 建筑垃圾资源化利用方案编制与审核制度, 规范建筑垃圾收集及随意倾倒费用制 度,建立建筑垃圾统计报告制度;② 建筑垃圾资源化过程中的管理政策建筑 垃圾资源化处理企业的用地审批及管理,完善建筑垃圾资源化产品的标准体系, 开展建筑垃圾回收回用示范工程; ③建筑垃圾资源化产品使用过程中的管理政策 建筑垃圾资源化产品认证及推广制度, 政府投资市容项目强制性使用建筑垃圾资 源化利用产品,强化绿色建筑中的建筑垃圾回收回用。经济支持政策包括①财 政补贴政策示范工程的财政补贴,建筑垃圾资源化利用产品的财政补贴,建筑 垃圾资源化利用项目的财政返还;②税收优惠政策增值税免征和所得税减免优 惠政策;③金融支持政策优惠贷款和贷款贴息政策。 EF项目建筑垃圾回收回用政策研究 VI Summary The rate of construction waste recycling and reutilization has reached to more than 90 in the EU, USA, Japan, Korea and other countries currently. However, the “Twelfth Five–Year Comprehensive Utilization of Resources Guidance” issued by National Development and Re Commission NDRC have proposed the target that the construction waste reutilization in large and medium-sized cities would reach 30 in 2015. In China, there aren’t obstacles in the field of technique in construction waste recycling and reutilization, while lack of effective incentive policies and regulatory measures is the main bottleneck of hindering the construction waste recycling and reutilization. In order to implement one of the ten key tasks of “promote the construction of waste resource utilization” proposed by“Green Building Program of Action” General Office of the State Council [2013] No. 1, carry out the implementation of centralized treatment and grading use of construction waste. Speed up research and development promotion on the construction waste recycling technology and equipment. Establish technical standards of the construction waste comprehensive utilization. Take construction waste recycling demonstration project and make research on the establishment of construction waste recycled products labeling system.It needs guidance and supervision of government in the early promotion stage of construction waste recycling and reutilization. However, there is a lack of goal planning, supervision and management policies and economic incentive measures for the construction waste recycling and reutilization at the central government in China. It is urgent to carry out researches in this area. This project analyzed the construction waste recycling and reutilization situation at home and abroad, which included laws and regulations, favored policy, supervision mechanisms, technical system and so on, and then it was made clear the gap and problems between China and foreign countries. Through establishing the production amount accounting model of construction waste in China, the project realized the accounting of production amount of every year, the total amount, and the forecasting amount in 2020. Considering the different stage of construction waste production, transportation, reutilization and product utilization, the project analyzed the role mechanism of different agents in the industry chain of construction waste recycling and reutilization. On the basis of these, the project proposed the general and staged objectives for construction waste recycling and reutilization in the next several years. According to the different production fields of construction waste, decompose the general objectives, propose the policy developing route map till 2020. In the end, the entire research results were presented in the of the policy suggestions for Chinese government including management policy, economic support policy and policy implementation plan. The project is mainly ed the following results 1. Combed the relevant experience reference analysis on international construction waste recycling and reutilization. Through the investigation on laws and regulations, incentive policies, regulatory mechanisms, technical systems, product promotion modes and other aspects of in the EU, USA, Japan, Singapore, Korea and other countries, it can be clearly confirmed that the responsibility and obligation was legislated as a very strict punitive measures in the construction waste recycling and reutilization. Collecting taxes is achieved to reduce the generation of EF项目建筑垃圾回收回用政策研究 VII construction waste and disposal at random. The governments offered fund to the recycled building materials production enterprises for research and develop through fiscal subsidy and tax relief. Government encouraged the government project and construction enterprise to use recycled building materials through government procurement and other incentive measures. These countries all established whole process supervising mechanisms including emissions, production and utilization. They promoted recycled products through environmental logo, green building rating system and other ways. 2. Through domestic research identified problems on construction waste recycling and reutilization in China. In order to know the situation of construction waste recycling and reutilization in China, the research team has investigated on the condition, existing policies and implementing effect of construction waste recycling and reutilization in Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, , Changzhou, Xuchang and so on. The team has visited Qingdao Green Sail Recycled Building Materials Co.Ltd that is the largest base of construction waste recycling and reutilization. The team investigated industry representative enterprises in order to clearly understand the policy requirement of different stakeholders, which includes Beijing Yuan TaiDa Environmental Protection Building Materials Technology Co.Ltd, Qingdao Leixin Group Co.Ltd, and Xuchang Jinke construction waste removal company. On the level of law and regulatory, 70 provinces and cities have established relevant laws and regulations of construction waste. However, there are only four cities established recycling and reutilization policies and regulations, which are Shenzhen, Qingdao, Kunming and Shandong Province. And it is serious that construction waste is randomly dumped in most cities. On the level of incentive policy, many policies were stayed in the intention stage, only Qingdao and Handan have established corresponding subsidy policies. The higher cost of producing construction waste leads that they don’t have the competitive comparing with the common building material and goods. On the level of supervising mode, there are many administration departments including construction, municipal commission, city administration etc. so as that unsupervised situation is serious. On the level of amount statistics of construction waste, it is absent of reasonable estimation and there wasn’t the amount concept. 3.The establishment of construction waste recycling forecast model. The different stages of construction waste generation were distinguished and the calculation of construction was confirmed including construction, demolition and renovation. According to economic development level, select the representative cities to verify the forecast model. Have completed estimate the total amount of existing construction waste in China. By the end of 2012, the construction waste had achieved 20 billion tons. Based on the growth in the construction industry, the below are the three scenarios of high, medium and low three levels on construction waste production, By 2015, the production forecast amount will be 4 billion tons, 3.6 billion tons and 3.5 billion tons, And by 2020, the production forecast amount will be 7.1 million tons, 5 billion tons and 4.5 billion tons. 4. Completion of the analysis on the whole industry chain of construction waste. It has analyzed the main characteristics and work content of every subject including construction enterprises, demolition enterprises, real estate developers, waste recycling enterprises, transport enterprises and resource production enterprises etc. in accordance with stages of production, transportation and recycling production of construction waste. And it has analyzed the relationship of the material flow, ination flow, value flow and capital flow among the different subjects on the industry chain. And the early development of the industry, maturity, decline of industrial EF项目建筑垃圾回收回用政策研究 VIII structural characteristics, the identification of industrial development problems at the present stage, and proposed to build the system of industrial policy, fiscal policy, financial policy system. 5. Proposed the promotion roadmap of construction waste recycling and reutilization. The period from 2015 to 2020 is divided into three stages, the demonstration period 2015-2016, the promotion period 2017-2018 and the forced period 2019-2020. Under the guidance of objective constraints that the construction waste recycling and reutilization rate should achieve 30 and 40, research the key technologies and measures and the difficulty of implementation of new construction waste recycling and reutilization, retrofitting of existing buildings waste recycling and reutilization and existing building renovation waste recycling and reutilization in the important task fields. 6. The economic incentive policy of construction waste recycling and reutilization.The project has proposed the management policy, economic support policy and policy implementation planning advice for construction waste recycling. The management policy included Firstly, the construction waste source control management policy. Establish the law and regulation on construction waste recycling and reutilization, draw up the medium-term and long-term construction waste recycling and reuse special planning, put the construction waste resource utilization goals into energy-saving emission reduction targets, establish the construction waste utilization plan preparation and audit system, regulate the construction and dumped waste collection fee system and establish statistical reporting system. Secondly, the management policies of construction waste recycling process. Construction waste recycling processing enterprises land using approval and management, improve the standard system of construction waste recycled products and carry out construction waste recycling and reuse demonstration project. Thirdly, the management policies during construction waste recycled products using. The constr

