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ÏS Vûà ÷[ “ The China Sustainable Energy Program ÷  Á ö The Energy Foundation [ “îTá“  Technical Report Ø g ö¨yý« . ïÐwÉŸ¦ùî Study on Energy Conservation Potential and Promotion Mechanism for Civil Buildings in Beijing Øyý/ ŒZµK3 © ³ 2013 M6 中国可持续能源项目 The China Sustainable Energy Program 能 源 基 金 会 The Energy Foundation 项目成果报告系列 Technical Report 北京市民用建筑节能潜力与推进政策研究 Study on Energy Conservation Potential and Promotion Mechanism for Civil Buildings in Beijing 北京建筑技术发展有限责任公司 2013 年 6 月 本课题是美国能源基金会中国可持续能源项目资助的研究项目,在此要感谢能源基金会的支持,特别是建筑节能项目的莫争春主任对本研究给予的宝贵政策意见,感谢辛嘉楠女士为课题顺利开展提供的帮助。 课题研究过程中还得到了北京市住房和城乡建设委员会建筑节能与建筑材料管理处、北京市住房和城乡建设科技促进中心等相关单位提供的必要帮助,在此一并表示感谢。 项目信息 项目资助号 G-1201-15389 Grant Number G-1201-15389 项目期 2012.4.1-2013.4.30 Grant period 2012.4.1-2013.4.30 所属领域 建筑节能政策 Sector Building Energy Conservation Policy 项目概述 子课题一北京市民用建筑能耗情 况与中长期节能潜力研究; 子课题二修订 ; 子课题三北京市绿色建筑体制机 制现状与推进政策研究; Project Discription Sub-Subject I Study on Energy Consumption Situation and Medium and Lon- term Energy Conservation Potential of Civil Buildings in Beijing; Sub--Subject II Revise for ; SubSubject III Study on Present Situation Green Building System and Mechanism and Promotion Policy in Beijing. The description is as follows respectively. 项目成员黄建、谢琳娜、陈颖、刘才丰、吴 蕾、王盟、冯蕾、罗淑湘 Project team Huang Jian, Xie Linna, Chen Ying, Liu Caifeng, Wu Lei, Wang Meng, Feng Lei, Luo Shuxiang 关键词 建筑节能、潜力、管理规定、绿色建筑、推进政策 Key Word Energy Conservation, Potential, Administrative Provisions, Green Building, Promotion Policy 摘要 2011 年发布的北京市“十二五”时期民用 建筑节能规划为北京市民用建筑节能工作制定了发展目标、重点工作任务以及保障措施等。随着建筑节能工作形势发生重要变化,对“十三五”建筑节能思路的需求也日益迫切,亟需开展到 2020 年建筑节能的潜力研究,为进一步制定中长期建筑节能规划提供参考。 2001 年发布的北京市建筑节能管理规定是十多年来开展本市建筑节能工作的基本法律依据,但随着建筑节能工作的开展,亟需对其进行修订,用以指导实际工作。推广绿色建筑是我市建筑节能的重点工作内容,建筑节能“十二五”规划提出 3500 万平方米的推广目标,除法律法规外,工作任务、管理政策以及保障措施等体制机制亦不明晰,需要对其展开调研工作并梳理相关政策思路。 综上所述,本项目拟开展三个方面研究子课题一北京市民用建筑能耗情况与中长期节能潜力研究、子课题二修订 和子课题三北京市绿色建筑体制机 制现状与推进政策研究。以下分别进行阐述 子课题一北京市民用建筑能耗情况与中长期节能潜力研究 2009 年北京市建筑能耗为 2146.7 万吨标煤,占社会总能耗的比重为32.6。其中,建筑采暖能耗为 1012 万吨标准煤,城镇居民用电能耗为 98.3 亿kWh,折合 353.88 万吨标煤,公共建筑用电量为 197.05 亿 kWh,折合 709.4 万吨标准煤。考虑公共建筑除电耗外,还有其它能耗,按照公共建筑电耗占采暖外总能耗的 90,折合得到公共建筑电耗约为 780.3 万吨标煤。与 2004 年建筑能耗 1444 万吨标煤相比, 2009 年建筑总能耗增长了 48.7,采暖能耗增长了13.7,公共建筑用电增长了一倍,城镇居民用电增长 52。 项目组通过本研究认为,“十三五”期间在延续“十二五”相关节能措施的基础上,可实现节能潜力 391.31 万吨标煤,通过建筑节能标准提高、建筑节能范围扩大,最高将达到 804.41 万吨标煤的节能潜力,其中除新建建筑节能(包括绿色建筑)外,公共建筑节能运行监管、城镇化带来的整村建设等将有更大贡献。除此之外,“十三五”期间还可以通过控制人口增长和建筑面积增加来实现建筑节能,预计可实现约 236.67 万吨标煤的节能量,因此,完成建筑节能目标不仅仅需要从建筑节能本身着手,还要从社会经济等方面来调控。 子课题二修订北京市建筑节能管理规定 通过调研分析,项目组认为修订北京市建筑节能管理规定的条件基本具备 ① 上位法明确了建筑节能管理的基本原则。 节约能源法、民用建筑节能条例、公共机构节能条例、北京市实施 办法等为立法修订工作提供了上位法依据。 ② 其他省市提供了建筑节能地方立法经验。 包括建筑节能立法程序、城乡规划强调建筑节能、严格新建建筑节能标准、既有建筑节能改造主体和筹资机制、公共建筑节能运行监管、加大可再生能源建筑应用特别是太阳能热水的建筑应用、绿色建筑与住宅产业化等。 ③ 我市建筑节能的实际工作推进为修订规章提供了实践基础。 2001 年发布的北京市建筑节能管理规定 重点规范了新建建筑全面执行节能设计标准,禁用禁产粘土砖以及要求既有非节能建筑实施节能改造等内容。项目组通过研究提出,有必要继续完善以下几个方面的立法依据 ① 建筑节能的范围和定义。不建议把建筑节 能工作范围扩大到全部建设工程或全部建筑工程,建议将法规名称改为北京市民用建筑节能管理规定; ② 明确了建筑节能工作政府主导、各责任主 体依法承担相应职责的管理架构。 ③ 新建建筑节能方面,一方面增加了从城乡 规划源头上强调建筑节能;另一方面,强化固定资产投资项目节能评估审查意见的贯彻落实。 ④ 既有建筑节能改造方面,具体明确了政府 统筹安排机制、各建筑类型的改造责任主体、以及节能改造的资金渠道。 ⑤ 增加了绿色建筑和住宅产业化的推进措施 和监管保障,明确了绿色施工的相关要求 ⑥ 增加了民用建筑与集中供热系统的节能运 行管理,包括运行管理单位的责任、在线监测、能源审计、能效公示等要求。 ⑦ 细化、严格法律责任,使之具有可操作性和有效性。 子课题三北京市绿色建筑体制机制现状与推进政策研究 通过调查分析,项目组总结了北京市绿色建筑推进过程中可能存在的主要困难 ① 新建绿色建筑推广压力较大。截止 2012 年底,北京市共完成绿色建筑评价标识项目 30 个,合计建筑面积约 600 万平方米,与 3500 万平方米目标还有一定差距。 ② 绿色建筑运行评价标识完成力度弱于设计 标识。在北京市绿色建筑评价标识的 30 个项目中, 27 个设计标识,仅 3 个运行标识。 ③ 绿色建筑相关示范工程进展较慢。对于新 兴产业园区、既有建筑改造、保障房建设、产业化住宅等,均应是我市主推的绿色建筑示范重点领域,但实际推广效果并不理想。 政策框架如下 主要目标从 2013 年 6 月起,城镇新建民用建筑 100落实绿色建筑标准,到 2015 年累计完成产业化住宅 1500 万平方米。创建至少 10 个绿色生态示范区。 基本原则全面推进,突出重点;政府引导,市场推动;部门联动,属地负责;立足当前,着眼长远。 重点任务和推进政策 ① 加快新建绿色建筑规模化推广。制定相关 标准,实现新建绿色建筑闭合式管理;严格全过程监管,保证绿色建筑建设各阶段均能达到标准;强化目标责任制,确保落实。 ② 加强运行标识评价。完善相关标准体系, 强调“四节一环保”技术应用所产生的效果;加强绿色建筑运行评价标识的财政支持力度,提高建筑业主的积极性;强化目标责任制,确保落实。 ③ 推广绿色建筑园区、大力推进既有建筑绿 色化改造、推广保障房绿色建筑。加强法律法规和政策管理,制定绿色建筑管理办法,强化目标责任制,将保障房和住宅产业化相结合同步推广,制定包括设计、施工验收等标准,严格全过程监管。 Summary Development goals, main work subjects and guarantee measures for energy conservation work of civil buildings in Beijing are ulated by Energy Conservation Plan for Civil Buildings in Beijing during the 12th Five-Year Plan Period issued in 2011. With important change in work situation of building energy conservation, the demand on thought of building energy efficiency during 13th Five-Year plan is increased increasingly, the potential study on building energy conservation until 2020 is required to be developed urgently in order to provide the reference for further establishing medium and long-term building energy conservation plan. Administrative Provisions on Building Energy Efficiency in Beijing issued in 2001 is a basic legal basis for developing the building energy efficiency work in this city over decade years. However, with development of building energy efficiency work, it is required to be revised for guiding the practical work. Promoting the green buildings is an important work for building energy conservation in our city. 35 million m2 promotion objective in 12th Five-Year Plan about building energy efficiency is proposed, the work subject s, management policy, supporting measures and other system and mechanism are of ambiguity except for laws and regulations. So it is necessary to develop the survey work and sort up relevant policy and thinkings. In conclusion, this project is proposed to launch the study from three aspects Sub-Subject I Study on Energy Consumption Situation and Medium and Lon- term Energy Conservation Potential of Civil Buildings in Beijing, Sub--Subject II Revise for and SubSubject III Study on Present Situation Green Building System and Mechanism and Promotion Policy in Beijing. The description is as follows respectively. Sub-Subject I Study on Energy Consumption Situation and Medium and Long-term Energy Conservation Potential of Civil Buildings in Beijing The building energy consumption in Beijing was of 21467000 tons for standard coal in 2009, covering 32.6 of total energy consumption in society. Among them, 10120000 ton standard coal was used for building heating energy consumption, 9.83 billion kWh was used for residential electricity consumption in towns and cities, being converted into 3538800 million ton standard coal; 19.705 billion kWh was used for electricity consumption of pubic buildings, being converted into 7094000 ton standard coal. Except for considering the power consumption of public buildings, there are other energy consumptions. Electricity consumption of public buildings is of 7803000 ton standard coal approximately via conversion according to electricity consumption of public buildings covering 90 of total energy consumption except for heating energy consumption. Total energy consumption of buildings increased by 48.7 in 2009, the heating energy increased by 13.7, the electricity consumption of pubic buildings doubled and the residential electricity consumption increased by 52 with comparison to 14440000 ton standard coal in 2004. Through this study, the Project Team considers that 3.91 million ton standard coal of energy conservation potential may be realized during 13th Five-Year Period on the basis of continuing the energy conservation measures during 12th Five-Year Period. The energy conservation potential will reach to 8.04 million ton standard coal at maximum through improving the building energy conservation standard and expanding the scope of building energy efficiency. Among them, the operation and supervision of public building energy efficiency and the whole village construction brought by urbanization will make more contributions except for energy efficiency including green buildings of new building. In addition, building energy efficiency can be realized through controlling the population increase and construction area increase during 13th Five-Year Period to predict that amount of energy about 2.37 million ton standard coal may be realized. Therefore, completing the target for building energy efficiency not only sets out itself bus also adjusts and controls the social economy. Sub-Subject II Revise on Administrative Provisions of Building Energy Efficiency in Beijing Through survey and analysis, Project Team considers that the basic conditions for revising the Administrative Provisions of Building Energy Efficiency in Beijing are provided. I Basic principle on building energy conservation management is defined by epistatic law. Energy Conservation Law, Energy Conservation Regulations for Civil Buildings, Energy Conservation Regulations for Public Authorities, Beijing implements of and other legislations provide the epistatic law basis for revising. II Other provinces and cities provide the local legislative experiences of building energy efficiency, including legislative procedure of building energy efficiency, urban and rural planning emphasized for building energy efficiency, strict energy conservation standard of new buildings, energy conservation reconstruction of existing buildings and funding mechanism, operation and supervision of public building energy efficiency, increase for building use of renewable energy sources especially for solar heat water as well as green building and hosing industrialization. III The promotion of practical work for building energy efficiency in our city provides the practice foundation of revising regulations. Administrative Provisions on Building Energy Efficiency in Beijing issued in 2001 mainly specifies the design standard for energy efficiency and strictly prohibit using and producing the clay brick as well as energy conservation reation for non-energy conservation buildings. Project Team puts forward that it is necessary to perfect continually legislation basis concerned to following aspects through study. I Scope and definition of building energy efficiency. Expanding the building energy efficiency work to the whole construction engineering or whole building engineering is not recommended. It is recommended to change regulation name as Administrative Provisions on Energy Conservation for Civil Buildings in Beijing. II Define the management structure that the building energy efficiency work dominated by government and various liability objects undertake their corresponding responsibilities according to law. III Energy conservation on new buildings on one hand, increase the emphasis on building energy efficiency from the origin of urban and rural planning; on the other hand, strengthen the implementation on energy conservation assessment and review comment of investment projects for fixed assets. IV Energy conservation reconstruction of existing buildings the mechanism of overall arrangement dominated by government, liability objectives for reing buildings types, and capital channel of Energy conservation re are defined specifically. V Promotion measures and supervision guarantee of green buildings and housing industrialization are increased, and relevant requirements of green construction are defined. VI Operation and management on energy conservation for civil building and central heating system are increased, including the obligations of operation and management organization, on-line monitoring, energy audit, publicity of energy efficiency and other requirements. VII Legal liability shall be strictly detailed to ensure that it is provided with operability and effectiveness. Sub-Subject III Present situation of Beijing green building system and mechanism and promotion policy research. Through investigation and analysis, the Project Team concludes the main difficulties existed in promoting process of green buildings in Beijing possibly. I There is great pressure for promoting the green buildings for new buildings. 30 uation and identification projects for green buildings were completed in Beijing at the end of 2012. The total area of structure was of 6 million m2. Difference exists with 35 million m2comparison goal. II The completion dynamics of operation, uation and identification of green buildings is weak to design identification. There are 27 design identifications and only 3 operation identifications among 30 uation and identification projects of green buildings in Beijing. III Relevant demonstration projects on green buildings advance slowly. Emerging industry area, reconstruction for existing buildings and security housing construction and industrialization housing are of main area for promoting the green building demonstration in our city, but the promotional effectiveness is undesirable in fact. Policy recommendations Prime target By 2015, 35 million m2of new green building shall be completed accumulatively. At least 10 green ecological demonstration regions shall be constructed. Basic principle Overall promotion and key point stress; guidance by government and promoted by marketing; linkage among agencies and obligated by territories; taking a long-term perspective. Main tasks and policy promotion I Quicken the large-scale promotion of green buildings. ulate the relevant standard and realize close type management for new green buildings; Supervise the overall process strictly and guarantee various stages of green buildings up to standard; Strengthen the target responsibility system and ensure implementation. II Strengthen the uation on operation identification. Perfect the relevant standard system and emphasize the effectiveness “4 conservation 1 environment protection” created by technology application; Strengthen the financial support of operation identification uation of green buildings and improve the enthusiasm of building employer; Strengthen the target responsibility system and ensure the implementation. III Promote the greening reation for existing buildings in green building zone; vigorously promote and promote green buildings of security hosing. Reinforce the laws and regulation and policy management, ulate the management for green buildings, strengthen the target responsibility system, combine the security hosing with housing industrialization, ulate the design standard and construction and acceptance standard and supervise overall process strictly. 成果目录 z 子课题一北京市民用建筑能耗情况与中长期节能潜力研究 ¾ 成果 1北京市民用建筑能耗情况调研报告 ¾ 成果 2北京市中长期民用建筑节能措施及其潜力分析报告(简版) ¾ 成果 3北京市中长期民用建筑节能措施及其潜力分析报告 z 子课题二修订北京市建筑节能管理规定 ¾ 成果 1修订 的调研报告 ¾ 成果 2北京市民用建筑节能管理办法(修订草案) z 子课题三北京市绿色建筑发展现状与推进政策研究 ¾ 成果 1北京市绿色建筑发展现状与推进政策研究(简版) ¾ 成果 2北京市绿色建筑发展现状调研报告 ¾ 成果 3北京市绿色建筑推进政策研究报告 北京市民用建筑节能潜力与推进政策研究 子课题一 北京市民用建筑能耗情况与中长期节能潜力研究 — 成果 1 北京市民用建筑能耗情况调研报告 — 成果 2北京市中长期民用建筑节能措施及其潜力分析报告 (简版) — 成果 3 北京市中长期民用建筑节能措施及其潜力分析报告 北京建筑技术发展有限责任公司 二〇一三年六月 美国能源基金会委托课题 成果 1 北京市民用建筑能耗情况调研报告 I 目录 1 背景 1 1.1 北京市民用建筑发展情况 1 1.1.1 民用建筑分类 . 1 1.1.2 民用建筑情况 . 2 1.2 北京市居住建筑情况 2 1.2.1 北京市城镇居住建筑情况 . 2 1.2.2 北京市农村居住建筑情况 . 3 1.3 北京市公共建筑情况 5 2 北京市建筑能耗情况 . 2 2.1 样本来源及特点 2 2.

